21 Home Remedy Stuffs In The Kitchen Cabinet
Do you know the common and inexpensive home remedy stuffs that are sitting in our kitchen cabinets can help us during common sickness?
Do you know the common and inexpensive home remedy stuffs that are sitting in our kitchen cabinets can help us during common sickness?
Instead of using chemicals on the body one can use natural ways to get rid of that “unwanted” hair from various parts of the body.
Aromatic, little spicy and a great medicinal herb that all of us should keep in our kitchen cabinet is Fennel. We all know fennel seeds are good for digestion and also great to get rid of that bad mouth odor.
Blackheads form when a clog or plug develops in the opening of hair follicles in the skin. They appear on nose, ears, under lips, below shoulder, thighs and back of the body.
Bitter gourd is a fruit/vegetable belongs to cucumber family. It is considered as one of the leading diabetic medicinal herb as it has tremendous properties that is helpful in controlling diabetes.
Grandma has simple and easy to follow suggestions that helps us look younger.
Consume foods that contain good amount of protein. Include all soy, dairy, grain products to your routine diet including fresh fruits and vegetables.
Khashaya is the Grandma’s age-old method to get rid of irritation in throat, cough, cold, fatigue related to cold and to remove phlegm.