Type A blood group converted to Type O by enzymes
Researchers recently have found a way to use enzymes extracted from human gut bacterium to convert Type A blood to universal
Researchers recently have found a way to use enzymes extracted from human gut bacterium to convert Type A blood to universal
According to the recent warning issued by CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) using E-cigarette products leads to severe pulmonary disease.
Electronic cigarettes also known as e-cigarettes are battery powered devices that operates like aerosol and delivers nicotine and flavorings. E-cigarettes are also known as e-vaporizers will contain other chemicals apart from nicotine.
Growing beard is always a hot trend among men. Growing beard is helpful for those who suffer from Irritant folliculitis and inflammatory condition called dpseudofolliculitis. It also protects face from the Sun
The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer’s condition. Alzheimer’s currently affecting more than 50 million people throughout the world. At present Alzheimer’s disease cannot be reversed.
What are some of the stuffs that we can see on bottom of our shoes? Bird dropping, dog poop, rotten debris with harmful bacte
Researchers at University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) in collaboration with Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple Uni
Many animals contain venom that can be poisonous to predators. Venom of animals is one of the nature’s great paradoxes as it is designed to kill but at the same time properties of venom can be used to cure human conditions