Surya bedha pranayama
Surya Bedha Pranayama is yogic breathing exercise which helps to calm the mind and any mental stress. It works as a medicine on tired and stressed mind and helps to relax.
Surya Bedha Pranayama is yogic breathing exercise which helps to calm the mind and any mental stress. It works as a medicine on tired and stressed mind and helps to relax.
Dragonfly pose or Parsava bhuja dandasana is an advanced yoga pose where entire body will balance on arm strength. It is a difficult arm balance
For many of us, relaxation means sitting in front of the TV at the end of a stressful day or sleeping.
It is a day-to-day greeting gesture of India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan and many other countries.
Bound angle pose or Baddha konasana is a beginner’s pose and helps to improve flexibility.
In Hindu mythology Matsya or fish is incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Matsyavatara is the name for this incarnation and the belief is that all yogis and saints were protected and carried to safe place by the Lord in fish pose.
Compass pose or Parvrtta Surya Yantrasana is an advanced Yoga pose should be performed under the guidance of an instructor.
Swami (Saint) Dayananda Saraswati is a distinguished, traditional teacher of Vedanta.