You are what you eat: Chakra way
There are so many different ways to eat,But do you really know how to eat?
There are so many different ways to eat,But do you really know how to eat?
Looking for an activity that increases brain power? To rejuvenate nervous system and the brain Ardha sirsasana helps
it might take some time for you to come out from the sadness. Because real feeling does not go away easily – isn’t it? Then how to handle this heart break?
If you are suffering from back pain or having problem with digestion then performing supine spinal twist pose helps
How to stay motivated in life and find time to work on both personal and professional projects?
Extended hand to big toe pose is advanced yoga pose. Yogis who practice yoga daily will be able to perform this pose bit more easily compared
Ashtavakrasana or Eight angle pose is an advanced pose that needs lot of concentration, focus, strength and flexibility. While practicing this pose one can also achieve balance and perseverance.
Firefly pose is an advanced yoga pose that needs both focus and strength. Watching someone doing this pose looks scary.