How Yoga Calms the Mind and Body ?
Yoga is famous for its ability to heal and bring peace of mind.
Yoga is famous for its ability to heal and bring peace of mind.
The 15 simple things to consider incorporating into your healthy routine to help balance your mind, body, and spirit are listed below. As we keep practicing these simple approach towards life one will feel better. Slowly start incorporating these ideas into your daily routine and see how they positively impact your overall health.
Scale Pose: Tolasana -Seated, lifted and arm balanced pose is tolasana or scale pose. It is often a part of Ashtanga yoga.
Little thunderbolt pose is an advanced back bend yoga pose. It is included in Ashtanga yoga’s second series. If you are familiar with camel pose, then getting into thunderbolt pose is bit easy.
In yoga, plank pose is known as Phalakasana that means to bear fruit.
Yoga and Ayurveda has lot to offer and the roots of these both amazing subjects goes back beyond 5000 years.
Ramayana’s Lord Hanuman’s pose commonly known as Hanumasana, Monkey pose / split pose.
Listening is a skill that everyone should acquire. Because listening is, the most powerful and precious gift one can to another person.