Lose the war and save relationship

Lose the war and save relationship

Disagreement, fights, criticism, arguments and tears all these are part of a marriage relationship.

In the heat of an argument the anger shoots up and causes disturbance in the head and ultimately spoils the mood.

Spoiled mood sometime stays longer and can create havoc in the relationship.

Many times, it is the ego that stops us saying sorry or stops us to approach partner. If everyone has that much ego, we all will end up in an unhappy married life.

If you love the person and you know how good the person is then you should plan your mind to work on a betterment in the relationship.

To save the relationship sometimes plan to lose the war or get ready to fail. Keep in mind that all relationships do not sail easily.

There will be difference in views and opinions that can lead to disagreements and fights. Discuss your disagreements: Learn to accept the fact that “I do” always don’t work in your relationship. Discuss about your views and differences with your spouse. Accept disagreements with respect in your relationship.
Realize relationship becomes stronger with disagreements too: Disagreement can be good for your relationship. Instead of accepting what your spouse expresses, say what is in your mind – politely and affectionately. Your spouse may realize that he/she might be wrong and it will help them to change for better.
Things may not end up with what you want: And it is okay. If you lose the fight that is okay because you always have to remind to yourself that you are fighting for something bigger. You don’t want to win a war and lose the relationship with the best person you have in your life.
No one is perfect: Who does not do mistake? Everyone commits mistake. Learn to accept small mistakes in life from your partner. Don’t make a big deal of small mistakes. Don’t bring up past mistakes and try to beat the person.
Learn to accept the partner the way she/he is. Because If you had married someone exactly like yourself you would have very quickly become bored. Because you both are unique, you will look at life in different ways. If you accept your partner, you increase the likelihood that he or she will in turn accept you.
Pleasant interactions: Let your communication be devoid of criticism, anger, or judgment. Talk about topics that are of interest to both of you, spend time together working on valued project, or take turns sharing meaningful feelings and future goals.
• All those fights, arguments happen because of differences. Learn to celebrate the differences in various ways. Be open minded and flexible to your partner views. If you disagree with your partner’s views convey it in nicest way.

Marital relationships blossom when a husband and wife not only tolerate, but celebrate the differences between each other by accepting each other. Your goal in a relationship is not to avoid these conflict situations, or punish yourself when they happen, but rather process the damage done and make repair.

Reference: Healthylife.werindia.com

Image credit: Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: October 8, 2021

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