Volunteering on Valentine day

Volunteering for a good cause

Plan on volunteering in animal shelter, hospitals, foster care, homeless shelter, food kitchen etc. Plan this in the morning hours. You will have rest of the day for other activities. Spending some time while volunteering for good cause makes both of you feel better as you are helping others who are in need.

In your community there could be elders who are alone this pandemic and need help with stuffs. You both can visit them (while maintaining social distance), talk to them, take some goodies, spend time with them. You can also organize a small social distancing gathering for such people who are spending time alone.

You will spend ‘quality’ time together by doing something good. This could be a memorable Valentine’s day.

Image credit: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/930432 (CC by 0)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: February 13, 2023

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