Millet Types, Benefits And Importance of IYOM 2023

Millet Types, Benefits And Importance of IYOM 2023

Millets are gluten free, easy to cook and are packed with nutrients. Most millets are highly adoptable to various climates and are grown or cultivated more than 1000 years ago. India and other Asian countries are main exporters of healthy millets to rest of the world. Indian government had suggested to the united nation for declaring the year 2023 as the International Year of Millets (IYOM). India got the support of 72 other countries, on 5th March 2021 and United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) declared 2023 as the International Year of Millets.

The initiative of the Indian government is of celebrating IYOM 2023, it is done by making the population aware of the millet benefits and increasing the acceptability of the value added of millet across the country and world.

The international year of millet gives a thriving opportunity to

1. Increase the contribution of millet to food security.

2. Increase the global production of millets

3. Ensuring efficient processing, transport, storage, and consumption.

4. Sustainable production and quality of millet with the involvement of the stakeholder.

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Multiple Benefits of Millets – Click here to read more

Multiple Benefits of Millets

Few examples of millets grown in India and Asian countries – Click here to read more

Few examples of millets grown in India and Asian countries

Pearl millet- Bajra – Click here to read more

Pearl millet- Bajra

Sorghum – Jowar – Click here to read more

Sorghum Jowar

Finger Millet -Ragi – Click here to read more

Finger Millet -Ragi

Foxtail millet – Click here to read more

Foxtail millet

Barnyard millet – Click here to read more

Barnyard millet

Kodo millet – Click here to read more

Kodo millet

Proso millet – Click here to read more

Proso millet

Little millet – Click here to read more

Little millet

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: January 31, 2023

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