Ginger oil with coconut oil

Ginger oil with coconut oil

Ginger contains anti-inflammatory property. Zingibain or zingipain is the protease enzyme compound that helps to reduce the free radicles and the pain in joint, muscles and elsewhere in our body.



1.       Ginger essential oil – 10 drops

2.       Coconut oil -20 ml (carrier oil)


Preparation and application:

1.       Mix ginger oil with coconut oil

2.       Transfer to a bottle

3.       Before applying, warm the oil and apply on affected area. Massage the portion.

4.       This oil is good for muscle ache and joint pain


Image credit: Imagen de Jerzy Górecki en Pixabay (cc by 0)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: September 25, 2023

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