Adzuki Bean Sprouts and Horse Gram Sprouts
Adzuki Bean Sprouts:
The name adzuki comes from the Japanese language, although the pronunciation often sounds like “azuki”. The scientific name of this bean is Vigna angularis, and they grow annually. Like most bean varieties, adzuki beans are high in dietary fiber, one of the key elements of digestive health and also contains rich protein (25%), fiber and folic acid. A 1/2-cup serving contains 8 grams of protein and less than 1 gram of fat. They are source of Vitamins A, B, C and E, High in Calcium, Iron, Niacin, Magnesium, Potassium, Manganese, Fiber, All Essential Amino Acids except Tryptophan.
Health Benefits
The most important health benefits of adzuki beans include their ability to aid in weight loss, prevent and manage diabetes, optimize digestion, contribute to growth and repair, increase energy, lower blood pressure, reduce birth defects in infants, and detoxify the body. It supports kidney and bladder function and detoxifies the body.
Horse Gram Sprouts:
Horse gram is rich source of calcium amongst all the legumes. It contains iron, folate and abundant protein content. Sprouted horse gram similar to other sprouts provides good protein, soluble digestive fiber and active enzymes.
Health Benefits
Traditional medicinal texts describes use of these sprouts for asthma, bronchitis, leucoderma, urinary discharge, kidney stones and heart disease. Ayurveda also recommends horse gram for persons suffering from jaundice, rheumatism and water retention. Similar to other sprouts they reduce cholesterol content because of no fat and good for heart condition. They are also good source of anti-aging process.
Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: March 23, 2022
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