Ash gourd soup for diet

Healthy Ash gourd soup for weight loss diet

Looking for healthy recipe to include in your diet program? Include ash gourd soup in your daily diet. Yes, ash gourd soup is a recommended diet item suggested by well known nutrients for those who are looking to reduce weight while exercising. It is a healthy addition to your weight loss diet program because it provides more amount of water with other important nutrients to balance the energy.


  1. Ash gourd – 1 cup
  2. Cabbage – ½ cup
  3. Corn flour – 1 tsp
  4. Coarse pepper – ½ tsp
  5. Cinnamon powder – ½ tsp
  6. Salt – as per your taste (less is better)
  7. Butter – little
  8. Lemon juice – 1 tsp.


  1. Wash, remove ash gourd skin and cut into small pieces.
  2. Grate cabbage and keep aside.
  3. Cook ash gourd pieces in 2.5 cup water. Remove from heat source and allow it to cool.
  4. Remove cooked ash gourd pieces from boiled water. Keep boiled water aside.
  5. Grind cooked ash gourd pieces with corn flour, cinnamon powder and salt.
  6. Add ash gourd paste to boiled water that is kept aside and boil.
  7. After boiling 1 or 2 mins, add grated cabbage and continue boiling for couple of more minutes. If needed add little more water.
  8. Remove soup from heat source, add coarse pepper, lemon juice and butter. Drink soup while it is hot during lunch or dinner.

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: August 26, 2024

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