Diabetic foot care tips
One the pressing issues for people who suffer from diabetes is risk of foot ulcers. Nearly 15 % of people with diabetic condition suffer from diabetic foot ulcer. It is an open sore and commonly located in bottom of the foot. It can result in hospitalization of the patient. If not taken care properly it can result in greater risk. Keeping this in mind, diabetic people must pay special attention to their feet.
Some of the foot care tips that should be included by diabetic patients in daily routine are as follows:
- Inspecting feet daily: Nerve damage caused by diabetes is called neuropathy. It can cause numbness that makes it difficult to feel when there is lesion in lower extremities. For this reason, one should check for cracked skin, sores, discoloration in the feet. Use a hand mirror to see the bottom of the feet and between toes as thorough examination needed to see every bit of feet.
- Protect feet: Avoid walking barefoot outside especially. Indoor wear proper home foot ear. Wearing diabetic shoes helps in protecting from nicks, cuts, splinters and scratches. The small injuries that go unnoticed and neglected can become big problem. With neuropathy, these small injuries can be not felt and lead to severe issues – infection and amputation.
- Keep feet dry: The space between toes should get more ventilation. This is the area where bacteria and fungus hide due to moisture accumulation. More ventilation means, space between toes dries. It is airtight moisture skin breakdown leading to infection. To prevent infection towel off feet thoroughly after showering and washing legs. Use talcum powder between toes. Don’t wear wet and sweaty socks.
- Less and non-impact exercise: Active life style is important for diabetes. However, it is also important to go with activities that is harmless for feet. Avoid workouts that include lot of jumping, leaping as these types of exercises can damage nerves and increase risk of feet injury. Best exercises are yoga, Pilates, walking and tai chi.
- Orthotics: Sometimes depending on how severe is diabetic condition is, basic foot care might not be enough to defend against diabetic foot ulcers. Orthotic footwear is prescribed to people with peripheral neuropathy and it helps to increase blood flow to extremities.
- Buy the Right Shoes :
According to NIH, it is important for people with this condition to protect feet from any injury by selecting shoes that are snug fitting. It should not be too tight.
- Do not buy shoes thinking shoes will stretch eventually
- Tight shoes causes blisters – to avoid this buy snug fitting shoes
- Wear new shoes one or two hours per day for first couple of weeks and breakdown shoes slowly
- Change shoes often – wear another set of shoe after four or five hours to reduce risk of ulcers
- Examine the insides of shoes to ensure that there are no pebbles, objects, stones or loose particles that could rub on skin causing wounds.
- Avoid shoes that are create pressure points.
- Wear clean and dry socks
- Orthopedic shoes or inserts can improve blood flow to feet and increases nerve response – talk to your doctor about orthopedic shoes
Be aware of fatal symptoms associated with diabetic ulcer and improper foot care. With diabetic it is important to take precautions of all wounds and ulcers in the feet. Talk to your doctor if you see any wounds or abrasion in your feet. Make changes in your foot care by talking to your doctor.
For more visit:
- https://www.advancedtissue.com
- http://www.apma.org
Image credit: By MoreMed – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=46930997
Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: December 28, 2017
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