Plant based food is in demand
Consumers diets keeps changing based on health reports. Recent reports show a gradual shift occurring in response to health trends and consumers are shifting more on to plant based diets and food.
According to Plant based news, around the world consumers are showing more interest in low meat or no meat foods. Plant based foods that are alternative to meat, will occupy more market share and will see huge growth in upcoming years.
Forecast reports say that it could reach $5.2 billion by 2020. Predication is that the plant based milk sector to hit a $16 billion by 2018!
Anticipation is that (as per Forecast Report by restaurant consultancy group) plant based will be the food trend of year 2018. It means, Plant based food is in demand.
In the past year one can see several positive changes that occurred in food consumption and food industry.
- People view of identifying someone as vegetarian, vegan or plant based food eater is more positive.
- Medias reference to vegan or vegetarian diet has changed to positive and one can see more articles and recipes on plant based foods.
- Plant based diets having a huge impact on medical world. It means removal of processed meats from hospital menus. In America, many hospitals changed menu by replacing processed meat foods by healthy vegan meals. Kaiser Permanente, the largest healthcare in US, Dietary guidelines advisory committee and American Institute of Cancer Research recommends plant based diet for good health.
- Globally, vegetables are most frequently consumed food with a quarter of consumers in the world eating vegetables almost every day along with meat, fish and poultry.
- In Germany 44% of consumers follow low meat diet which is a significant increase from 2014 (from 26%)
- In US 6% of consumers are vegans and number is increasing. In past three years people identifying as vegans in the US has increased 600%! In fact, users chose vegan food 19% more in first half of 2017 than first half of 2016.
- India is still considered as one of the most vegetarian friendly countries because of majority in Hindu population.
- Israel, Australia, Canada, Austria and New Zealand – these countries showed more interest in veganism.
- Veganism is a top search in Canada in 2017. Canada’s new Food Guide favors plant based foods.
- In Portugal there is 400% raise in vegetarianism in last decade.
- World’s largest retailer Walmart is asking suppliers for more plant based products!
- Profession athletes are proving that plant based diet gives more energy and good health. Kendrick Farris (weight lifter), Venus Williams (Tennis star), Partik Baboumain (body builder), Heather Mills (skier and amputee) – all are plant powered athletes! In addition, many players from Tennessee Titans team are going vegan!
- Ariana Grande, Laverne Cox, Danielle Brooks, Edie Falco, Shawn Booth – and many other celebrities went vegan.
- Google in its cafeteria is shifting towards plant based foods.
- Plant based fast foods is becoming more common. More schools and teachers enjoying plant based meals.
- Fork over knives, What the health and Earthlings – these movies helped in promoting plant based foods. These movies changed the way people view animals, food and health. The stereotype about plant eaters are shifting and is more positive. Many meat eaters are eating more plants.
What brings these changes? Following consumer trends bringing these changes;
- Rising awareness in veganism and impact of meat consumption are driving demand for meat free products substitute industries. People are becoming more aware of health benefits of fruits and vegetables.
- Demand for more ethical prepared foods because consumers connect to ethical and sustainable lifestyle, wellbeing and wellness
- High quality plant ingredients that once thought to be unhealthy is occupying front row as healthy foods
- Continuing awareness about health making consumers to be savvier about food ingredients and looking for enhanced health benefits from prepared foods.
- Understanding and borrowing ideas from various diet styles and cultures helping food innovators to create healthy food and social media is helping in the awareness.
- Consumers wants to cook their own food and constantly looking for simple and healthy meals.
Plant powered foods are delicious and should be readily available in affordable price to all. Interest in local, fresh, organic food helps in promoting organic growers and community supported agriculture. This will bring more people to plant based foods. Plant based diet is not fad, it is here to stay for many more centuries.
- https://www.reportbuyer.com
- https://www.vegetariantimes.com
- https://foodrevolution.org/
Image credit: Image by tookapic from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)
Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: April 28, 2023
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