Upward Facing Two-Foot Staff Pose
If you are a yogi and, want to challenge yourself here is an advanced yoga pose for you. This inversion pose is similar to wheel pose and it helps in building strength of shoulders and reduces abdominal fat.
If you are a yogi and, want to challenge yourself here is an advanced yoga pose for you. This inversion pose is similar to wheel pose and it helps in building strength of shoulders and reduces abdominal fat.
If one has to achieve success, they need to have certain laws in their life.
Silence is absence of sound. Physical silence refers to the absence of sound around us.
Panchamrutha (sanskrit) is a sacred mixture of five healthy ingredients.
You are probably familiar with eating for your blood type, genes or body type.
(Eka Pada Rajakapotasana or one legged king pigeon is an advanced asana and takes few weeks to get into the pose.
It is important for everybody to be happy and healthy, it is very important to lead a life with peaceful mind.
Yogis are familiar with better known version of king pigeon pose..