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Virtual reality in health care

Virtual reality devices in medical system

Virtual reality devices are gaining more popularity in medical field. It is good for scientific and medical visualization. Virtual means near and reality is what we experience as human beings.

Virtual reality or VR is used in various science fields – Physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, astronomy and engineering. The technology brings collaboration between all these different fields for the benefit of human system.

The definition for Virtual reality in terms of technology is “the term used to describe a three-dimensional, computer generated environment which can be explored and interacted with by a person”. Using computer graphics to express ideas and science behind medical field – molecular models and results virtual reality is helpful.

Virtual reality is more than a video game or entertainment. With a headset that totally blocks the light of outside world and magnifies to make medial images clear and helps to interact. It also helps in looking at science in different angles and in solving the problem. These VR systems use simulations which are viewed through a head mounted display (HMD). The headset contains a tracking device, earphones, microphone for verbal interaction. Tracking device which records the movements of person’s head, and changes the perception of images. This adds to the realism and immersion.

In medical field, the application of virtual reality are many. Did you know: Medical system is one the largest adopters of VR and it encompasses phobia treatment, robotic surgery, surgery stimulation, training skills of medical professionals and many others. Few such applications are:

  1. Pain management: As we know parts of human brain is linked to pain. The insula and somatosensory cortex becomes less active when patient is immersed in virtual reality. It helps in tolerating surgery or procedures that are painful. It also acts as a therapy for amputees who have lost their limbs and suffering from pain. Controlling virtual version of the lost limb helps amputees to cope up with the pain.
  2. Virtual robotic surgery: Surgery performed by robotic device and controlled by a surgeon. It reduces time of surgery and less invasion and complications. Sometimes the surgery is also performed by the surgeon from remote tele-surgery from a separate location to the patient! An expert surgeon can only handle this as the amount of pressure that need to be put should be properly visualized.
  3. For autistic children: With VR’s help researchers are exploring alternative solutions for autism. One recent finding is VR motivates to practice social skills in children who had ASD. It also helps autistic youngsters to enter work environment. Floreo, a Washington based startup developing VR scenarios for children with ASD. By this child can come out and make actual eye contact in public. With VR’s help parents can also interact with child’s VR program by using a linked tablet.
  4. Physical therapy: VR also helpful as therapy instrument where people who undergo physical therapy can get help in moving their body. Movement of arms to catch a virtual ball or moving legs to reach the floor or trying to walk in a virtual tour- helps patients move their body positively. The anxiety to get back to normalcy will not be there as VR helps people to get back to normalcy without realizing the therapy they are undergoing through.
  5. Phobias, anxiety and fear: With PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) or with phobias patients can be introduced slowly to their fear by therapist. VR can be adjusted as per the needs of patient and the fear of facing something or the phobia of looking at and feeling things will slowly disappears with VR.
  6. Cognitive rehabilitation: People who suffer from trauma, long-term illness or other types of brain injuries can practice VR and interact with day to day life using VR. This helps for speedy recovery and helps in gaining higher level of cognitive function.
  7. Virtual reality and lifestyle: VR is used in promoting healthy living and healthy eating, means healthy life style. It reinforces effectively, importance of fruits, vegetables, reducing salt intake, good and bad fat and a good diet regime. It features 3D human figure which exhibits mood changes depending on the choice of good and bad food that VR user makes !
  8. For physicians, assistances and nurses: Doctors can use VR as an assessment tool while observing patient’s tasks and read data of recovery or progress. It helps to carry routine procedures easily – like learning surgical procedure, handling wounds, anatomy of patient etc. VR is a power teaching tool and is good for medical profession learners.

The other applications of VR in medical field is in preventive medicine (ex. for smoking cessation program) as a therapy, weight management program, in rehabilitation for stroke patients to recover and in counselling for stress and phobias such as public speaking.

Use of VR in medical system appears to be promising. However, people are yet to get used for the idea of remote handling of surgery by a robot system and by an unknown surgeon from an unknown place can take days to years. There are contradictory views on using virtual reality system for children. Many of opinion that using the headset of VR can harm children visual capacity and brain and in adults it can result in sore eyes and headaches.

The expectation of VR in Science is, it can take a prominent place in Industrial and domestic world over the coming decades. There is possibility people will interact with each other using headsets that offers three dimensional views. VR is becoming part of human life in big way. And some feel that it is becoming the next disruptive technology in human’s life.


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Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: December 12, 2017
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Benefits of eating mushroom

Benefits Of Eating Mushroom

Edible mushrooms have taken important space in culinary industry around the world. Mushrooms, unlike plants does not have photosynthetic pigments and does not have green color. They are fungus and are considered as lower group of organisms.

In vegetable markets one can often see mushrooms in the racks. People use mushroom in curry, soup and for garnishing purposes. There are different types of edible mushrooms. Apart from culinary ingredients, mushrooms exhibit tremendous health benefits.

Edible mushrooms have taken important space in culinary industry around the world. Mushrooms, unlike plants does not have photosynthetic pigments and does not have green color. They are fungus and are considered as lower group of organisms. In vegetable markets one can often see mushrooms in the racks. People use mushroom in curry, soup and for garnishing purposes. There are different types of edible mushrooms. Apart from culinary ingredients, mushrooms exhibit tremendous health benefits.

Mushrooms are available in dry forms in the market. Extracts are available in both pill and powder form. Mushrooms generally are composed of a cap and stem. Under the cap are present blades radiating from the central stem. These thin blades are called gills and they are spore bearing surface of a mushroom. Once these spores mature, stem lifts the cap and helps in dispersal of spores.

Mushroom cultivation needs special skills, environment and attention. Some mushrooms that are edible are available wild. They are available either on the ground or inside earth. However, while selecting mushrooms one must be extra careful.

There are many types of mushrooms that offer a long list of health benefits. For example, Amanita mushrooms are highly poisonous. They contain amatoxins that can be fatal for humans.

Mushrooms are not liked by everyone. To develop taste takes many attempts. Introducing small amounts in dishes is one way to get used to mushrooms. If you are hesitant to eat mushroom read full article to understand the benefits of mushrooms.

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Himematsutake Mushroom: Click here to read more

Himematsutake Mushroom

Chaga MushroomClick here to read more

Chaga Mushroom

Shiitake Mushroom: Click here to read more

Shiitake Mushroom

Reishi MushroomClick here to read more

Reishi Mushroom

Maitake MushroomClick here to read more

Maitake Mushroom

Oysters MushroomClick here to read more

Oysters Mushroom

Chanterelle MushroomClick here to read more

Chanterelle Mushroom

Shimeji Mushroom and Turkey Tail mushroom: Click here to read more

Shimeji and Turkey Tail Mushroom

Few facts about mushroom: Click here to read more

Few facts about mushroom




Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: December 8, 2017
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Few facts about mushroom

Few facts about mushroom

  • Mushroom extracts are available in both pills and powder forms. Most of these are hot water extracts obtained from fruiting body or mycelia. The product will contain active compound in the form of glyconutrients that is responsible for its medicinal properties.
  • General recommendation is, it is better to eat mushroom in cooked form. While picking up mushroom make sure they are suited for you and not poisonous in anyway.
  • Eat organically grown mushroom as they contain no pesticide or added chemicals and grown under proper conditions. For the growth mushroom absorb nutrient from the atmosphere too.
  • Mushrooms also provide dietary fiber and that acts as prebiotic elements for the growth of probiotic microbes in our gut that is critical for digestive system.
  • In Chinese medicines mushrooms are considered as tonics as they are useful across for humans.
  • People who have gout should not eat mushrooms or should be careful of their choice. Because they are high in purines.
  • Most fatal mushroom in the world is Amanita phalloides or Death cap mushroom
  • Mycoremediation is a process where mushrooms are used to break down and clean toxic chemicals in the environment.
  • Mushroom contain Vitamin D!

Image: Modified image of magic mushroom

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Shimeji and Turkey Tail Mushroom

Shimeji Mushroom and Turkey Tail mushroom

Shimeji Mushroom: Are edible mushroom native to East Asia. It is also available in Northern Europe. It is a difficult cultivate mushroom.

  • Adding Shimeji increases taste of soups and is a good garnishing ingredient.
  • It is known to have other medicinal properties.
  • Good for asthma and breathing problems.
  • It contains beta-glucans the compound that fights against cancer tumor.
  • It is good for controlling blood sugar level.
  • Shimeji is also rich in umami (oo-mammy) tasting compounds such as guanylic acid, aspartic acid, glutamic acid. (Umami is a savory taste practiced in Japan)

Turkey Tail mushroom: Trametes versicolor is the common name for Turkey Tail mushroom. It is also known as cloud mushroom or Coriolis. It contains two complex polysaccharides namely PSK and PSP. Because of the two compounds Turkey Tail mushroom is gaining lot of attention.

  • It is also an edible mushroom. But the importance for this fungus in medicinal field is gained more obvious.
  • As per a clinical study by NIH funded project, it improves immune system of women who suffer from stage I-III breast cancer.
  • It also controls infection growth of Aspergillus niger, Candidada albicans, E. coli, herpes, Streptococcus pneumonia. It is also good for people who suffer from chronic fatigue condition.

Image credit:, (Get more information on Turkey tail mushroom here)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Chanterelle Mushroom

Chanterelle Mushroom

This mushroom looks like mini trumpet and has pleasant aromatic nature. It shines like a golden flower from distance and available in many parts of tropical countries. It is also known as egg mushroom or golden chanterelle. When in season there is a high demand for Chanterelle mushroom and is one of the prime verities of mushroom that is cultivated widely.

It is also a popular mushroom with culinary experts in Europe, United States and Asian countries. The beautiful appearance of the golden looking mushroom makes it bit pricy.  When buying these mushrooms, one should look for fragrance and golden color. Do not buy chanterelle mushroom if it turned black or dark.

  • It is good ingredient for dishes and contains good medicinal value:
  • Anti-inflammatory property is due to ergosterol
  • It has Anti-microbial property
  • It contains Vitamin C, D and potassium
  • They are excellent source of riboflavin, pantothenic acid, niacin and vitamin B complex
  • It also known to improve liver function.
  • Helps in platelet recovery and accumulation.

Image credit:

Jason Hollinger / CC BY (

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Oysters Mushroom

Oysters Mushroom

Oyster mushrooms are known for their beautiful appearance. Pleurotus ostreatus is one of the famous oyster mushroom available in the market.

Studies have shown following properties and use of oyster mushroom:

  • It contains a compound called Statin. These drugs are used to reduce bad or LDL cholesterol. It stimulates the receptor of liver to clear this cholesterol that clogs the arteries.
  • Like previous mushroom types it also exhibited anti-tumor property. This is because of beta D-glucan polysaccharides in oysters. The beta D-glucan compound isolated from the oyster mushroom is called pleuran, which is responsible for its anti-cancer property (as shown in laboratory animals)
  • It also known to stimulate immune system to fight the cancer.

Image credit: (for mushroom supply and recipes)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Maitake Mushroom

Maitake Mushroom

It is a popular mushroom used for food in Asia from many centuries. While harvesting this mushroom one need to be careful as many other poisonous mushrooms resemble Maitake mushroom.

Apart from culinary uses, Maitake mushroom has following benefits for humans: Lot of work on the properties of this mushroom is carried out in the lab on certain animals.

  • Anti-cancer property – Half a cup of this mushroom can prevent breast cancer development. Research says it finds the abnormal cells and causes their self-destruction.
  • It is useful for cancer patient who go through a lot of suffering after chemotherapy and radiation. It reduces side effect of these treatments.
  • Used for HIV/AIDS, chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Good for hepatitis, hay fever, diabetes, high blood pressure, reducing bad cholesterol and weight reduction.
  • Good for controlling polycystic ovarian syndrome and reduces infertility in women.

Image credit & reference:,

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Reishi Mushroom

Reishi Mushroom

Also known as Ganoderma lucidum, is one of the common mushroom that is available in wood and everywhere! It looks like a large white and brown wood flower. It is also known as “spirit plant” and mushroom of immortality.

It has been in use in Asian countries for its various medicinal properties. It contains ganoderic, a terpenoid which is being used to treat leukemia, lung and other cancers.

Consuming few ounces of this mushroom helps in various ways. One can also use Reishi mushroom extract to get its benefits.

  • Antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties
  • It is anti-inflammatory agent
  • Helps in bringing down bad cholesterol
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Reduces prostate related urinary conditions in men
  • Anti-cancer properties
  • Building immune system response. Relieves cough and breathing issues
  • Anti-aging effect
  • It is also recommended for insomnia, dizziness and palpitations.

In Chinese medicine reishi has a prominent place – it is known to open all the meridians in the body and it is one of the unique character that no other herbs or mushroom has.

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Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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