All posts by Sumana Rao

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Do you hate mushroom?

Do you hate Mushrooms?

We saw poor cilantro.. now it is mushroom turn. Why people hate it?

Well, you can see the benefits of various types of mushrooms in this article here in your road to healthy life.

However, the reasons to hate mushroom are:

  1. People know they are fungus – available in big form
  2. Structure of mushroom – especially the gills, spores and stalk. Some look like mini brains, half kidney
  3. Earthy taste and associated dirt
  4. Appearance of mushroom – slimy and weird bulb
  5. Mushroom does not taste anything unless you coat them with spice and oils
  6. Unpleasant appearance when added to food
  7. Looks like they are not bathed for years! When mushroom go bad they really look bad

How to include mushroom? Probably cut mushrooms to small pieces and add to dishes. Educating oneself about the wonderful benefit of mushroom can reduce the degree of disliking.

Image credit: (CC0)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: December 18, 2017
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Why is the reason to hate fennel?

Why do you hate Fennel?

Fennel is a wonderful herb known for its culinary benefits. It is a popular herb in many cuisines in the world.

But again, there are fennel haters or fennel phobia that we can see amongst us.

Health benefits of fennel:

Digestive problem – acid reflux, gas, bloating, loss of appetite, cough, bronchitis, backache, vision problem, bedwetting, colic in infants – for all these conditions fennel is a good remedy.

Why people hate fennel?

Fennel leaves and seeds both taste almost same. The fennel seed bitterness can be harsh for many. Taste is like anise and somewhat like black licorice. Most of the use of fennel is in the seed form. It has produces strong aroma and enhances flavor of any food. This aroma that gets into the taste bud and the system is what makes people unhappy. People who hate fennel also dislike licorice. Because they have same smell and annoying taste that lasts longer.

How to use fennel? Use fennel bulb in salad – cut into small pieces and add to salad. If you dislike its seeds, then make powder and add it in little quantity in your food. This way it can escape your taste bud!

Image credit: Image by M W from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Why Brussels sprouts are disliked?

Why Brussels sprouts are disliked by many?

Brussels sprouts looks like mini cabbages and sadly one of the most hated vegetables by kids in US.

The name originated from Belgium’s city Brussels for this beautiful and healthy vegetable.

It provides good amount of fiber and has all those goodies just like other green leafy vegetables.

Why people hate Brussels sprouts?

The odor is what makes it infamous vegetable. It belongs to cabbage family and has a chemical called phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) which tastes bitter to people who have a variation of a certain gene. Study conducted by Cornwall College (2011) revealed that the gene that controls the taste sensitivity namely TAS2R38 gene. This gene helps interlocking protein with PTC and gives bitterness to tongue.

Cooking Brussels sprouts releases sulfur compound and the more cooking of this vegetable leaves more sulfur aroma.

How to include Brussels sprouts in diet? Cut it into half and put olive oil, sprinkle salt, chilli powder, turmeric powder and roast it in medium heat.

Image credit: Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay  (free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Why you don't like eggplant?

Reasons for not liking eggplant?

A survey conducted in Japan in 2011 revealed that eggplant is the most hated vegetable by kids.

It is an excellent source of fiber, magnesium, potassium and contains good amount of antioxidants to fight against diseases.

Why people hate good eggplant?

  • Most people hate it because the outside look does not reconcile with the inside look. It is purple and seems to be hard outside and inside it has mushy structure.
  • People does not know how to cook it – it smashes and makes a mess while cooking.
  • If does not cooked properly, it is like spongy and chewy and can be tasteless or bitter flavor.
  • People also feel before and after cooking a slimy texture
  • Cooking eggplant with cheese and other vegetables makes its texture bit more odd.

How to make it delicious?

Slice and oven roast eggplant with little chilli powder, turmeric, salt and sprinkle oil. Baking for 25 to 30 mins at 400 F makes it bit tastier. If you add water to eggplant while cooking it becomes more mushy. Instead add little oil and less water.

Image credit: (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Why you don't want to eat turnip?

What is the reason for not eating turnip?

During our visit to vegetable market, we tend to ignore a root vegetable and that is nothing but turnip.

Turnips are one of the oldest root vegetable on earth.

Turnips are source of Vitamin A, K and folate. They also contain Vitamin C.

It is a wonderful vegetable, still people hate it for following reasons.

  • It is hard to get to the bitter taste.
  • It contains a compound namely cyanoglucoside that gives a strong odor to it and some people are sensitive to this chemical.
  • They don’t get crisp and becomes tender and gives odd odor
  • Turnips are not like carrots or potato. There is nothing sweet in it!
  • Texture of turnips is not appealing to eat.

How to include turnip in your diet?

Try simple recipes and mix with other vegetables. Mash it (like puree) with carrot, potato and add salt. Prepare mashed 3 vegetable simple dish with butter and cream. This is one way to eat it. There are many such recipes available on internet and people who used to hate turnip now include it in their diet!

Image credit: (seed service company)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Not impressed with spinach?

Not impressed with spinach?

Not everyone is a fan of spinach like Popeye. Every time to gain strength Popeye used can of spinach and spinach came into limelight.

Fresh, green, leaf vegetable with all good characters – still spinach is one the most hated vegetable.

We all know what nutrition quality and benefit we get by eating spinach.. It is low in fat and even lower in cholesterol. It is high in niacin and zinc, as well as protein, fiber, vitamins A, C, E and K, thiamin, vitamin B6, folate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and manganese.

Abundant flavonoids in spinach act as antioxidants to keep cholesterol from oxidizing and boosts immune system.

Why hate spinach?

  • Dark color and texture
  • Soft leaves
  • Dirt or rubbery taste
  • Cooked spinach release kind of odor that is not appealing for many
  • It does not have a taste like cauliflower, carrot or beans!
  • It has pungent odor similar to broccoli and Brussels sprouts!!
  • Some feel that spinach has woody odor to it.

How to get used to spinach?

If you cannot stand raw spinach then, make spinach fritters, prepare spinach soup with tomato, onion, ginger and butter. Make Indian spinach curry with lentil (daal) – there are different ways to eat spinach.

Image credit: Image by Thilo Becker from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Reasons to hate broccoli?

What are the reasons to hate broccoli?

Another healthiest vegetable is Broccoli.  It contains Vitamin C, A and antioxidants that can prevent cancer.

Good dietary fiber it supplies to system and helps to reduce weight.

It is a superfood.  Still why people don’t like broccoli? Especially kids in majority does not like broccoli and it is villain vegetable for kids.

Reasons for disliking Broccoli:

  • Like other crucifer members, it also gives some bitterness when cooked
  • Strong odor and the odor lasts longer
  • It has glucosinolate compound -It contains Phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) which binds with the olfactory gene to give a bitter taste to taste buds. As per the studies on an average about 70% of population can taste something bitter with PTC. People who have two such genes are about 20% and they really hate broccoli. Scientists have shown that the gene hTAS2R38 makes these vegetables as bitter and horrible.

How to include broccoli in diet? If eating broccoli raw is difficult, try baking it with other vegetables. Steaming makes broccoli give more odor. So, avoid steam cooking broccoli. Instead, bake with some olive oil, salt, chilli powder, turmeric (if you want some spice).

Image credit: (for produce sale)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Easy tips to clean house

House cleaning is easy with these tips!

No one wants to spend lot of time at home cleaning and washing. At one point we all feel to make our life easy with simple solutions. If you are looking for simple tips to keep your house clean and want to spend less time in cleaning, here are few house cleaning tips that makes life much easy.

  1. Reuse dryer sheets: Recycle it after use. Used dryer sheets are good for removing water spots on the mirrors and sink fixtures. You can use them to remove dust on furniture and other surfaces.
  2. Cleaning blender: After using the blender, instead of using your hands to clean inside blender, fill blender with warm water and couple of drops of dish soap. Turn blender on at low speed, rinse with warm dish soap water followed by clear warm water.
  3. Cleaning couch: Use baking soda to clean fabric sofa. Vacuum sofa and then sprinkle baking soda on the area to clean. Let it sit for half an hour or so and vacuum baking soda. Sofa feels and looks fresh and clean.
  4. Garbage disposal: Sometimes things sit in garbage disposal can cause bad odor. Once a week or so, throw couple of small pieces of lemon slices in the disposal and turn on disposal with water running. This takes out any bad odor that is bothering your kitchen.
  5. Cleaning scrubs and sponges: Dish cleaning sponges and scrubs can carry microbes. Soak them in hot water with vinegar and squeeze few times to clean. Or place them with dishes in dish washer. Sponges can be kept few seconds in microwave (say 30 seconds) and it kills microorganisms harboring in it.
  6. To clean tiles and vinyl flooring: Use a bucket of warm water with few drops of detergent and vinegar. After vacuuming, use this liquid and mop the floor surface.
  7. Cabinet corner cleaning: Take baking soda and vegetable oil and make a paste. Use an old toothbrush and scrub gunky stuff from the corners of the cabinets.
  8. To remove shower scum: Use dish wand for this – fill dish wand with 1:1 dish soap and vinegar and use wand to scrub the scum and the job will be done!
  9. Stainless steel appliances: All are mostly fond of stainless steel appliances. However, constant touching these appliances can leave your fingerprints. Mix rubbing alcohol and few drops of olive oil or baby oil mix and old clean cloth and clean the surface.
  10. Hard water spots in sink faucets: To get rid of hard water spots in sink, use vinegar. Use a spray bottle and spray vinegar on and around faucets. It removes any lime and water mark.
  11. How to clean dirty blinds: Mix water and vinegar in equal parts. Take an old sock or cloth and soak it in the vinegar-water mixture. Run it over blind slat and remove dirt easily.
  12. Glasses cleaning: To get rid of cloudiness in the glasses, use white vinegar. After dish washing glasses, take vinegar in paper towel and clean glass surface as well as inside.
  13. Cleaning air vents: Winter time indoor allergy happens many times because of dirt sitting in air vents. To clean the air vents, use a wet old cloth. Wrap it around butter knife and clean the air vents.
  14. Cleaning oven: Mix vinegar and baking soda and apply inside the oven. Leave it for 5 minutes and wipe using old cloth and water.
  15. Baseboard cleaning: Use water and detergent mix. After vacuuming the floor, take old cloth or sock and dip in the liquid and wipe baseboard.
  16. To clean comb: Soak comb in shampoo water an hour. Take an old brush and scrub it through comb teeth. All the black dirt will come out. After removing all dirt rinse and wash comb in running water and dry. : Grandma’s tips

Image credit: Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: December 13, 2017
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