Tangerine and Key Lime

Tangerine and Key Lime

Tangerine: Commonly known as tangerine, orange colored citrus fruits are hybrids of mandarin oranges.

It is sweeter than regular orange and is used in preparation of juice, drinks, desserts, salads and many dishes.

Tangerine peels are used as zest and are eaten coated in chocolate. Tangerine fruits known to contain Vitamin C in abundant and helps in fighting skin disease, arthritis, prevents inflammation, helps in healing wounds, cuts and good during common sicknesses like cold and fever.  It also absorbs iron from food.

Key lime: It is also known as Mexican and West Indian lime. It has sweet flavor and flowers produce good fragrance. Key limes are different from regular lemons.

Key limes are more aromatic, tarter and has more juice. Slightly yellow green color and contain more seeds. They are more prevalent in Asian countries.

Fruits are also small and sometimes younger fruits plucked by mistake are hard to juice. Key limes are used in beauty industry and for homemade remedies. Good for skin, boosts energy. Reduces nausea, good source of antioxidants and helps to fight common cold.

Image credit: Image by GK von Skoddeheimen from Pixabay (Free for commercial use) & Specialtyproduce (for more information & produce)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: April 25, 2018

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