Tips to prevent injury during work out
While exercise is important to keep fit and good health precaution should be taken to getting hurt during exercise or work out. Injury can happen to anybody. Athletes and body builders also get hurt while practicing in a fitness center in presence of trainer. However, the drugs and medicine helps them to overcome the injury soon. Common people who go for workout need to take proper precaution not to get hurt. Many times body tries to tell us “this should be enough”. But we push ourselves to do more. This will definitely results in an injury. There are many ways to avoid body injury during workouts. If you are new to exercise or changing your exercise routine, these tips will help reduce your risk of suffering a preventable sports injury.
The Frequency
People who are not trained and overweight or who have less energy must begin with 2 to 3 days week to gain strength, power, balance, coordination and flexibility. Try this for a month or two. The initial focus should be understanding the body and to feel which exercise is good or suitable for your body. Understand the fitness machines. Increase the frequency of exercise slowly and steadily. Remember many injuries occur because of too much frequency, too early in the program. When starting an exercise program, many people have lots of enthusiasm initially, and go too hard, too soon. Begin with moderate exercise of about 20 minutes, 3 times a week and gradually build upon this.
Fitness Test or Physical Fitness
When you see your doctor talk about the exercise program that you have in your schedule. Sometimes the new activities can stress the body. For your conditions, doctors will be able to advise what type of exercise you should do.
Personal Trainer
An expert trainer can help you out to set your exercise schedule. They will be able to assist you to understand the instruments, aerobic exercises, how to handle weights etc. Safety is important and a good trainer will get you started safely and help you learn enough to work out on your own if you choose. Try a few initial sessions with a trainer and understand how to reach your goal that you might have.
Warm Up Before Exercise
Warming up is very much essential before starting any type of exercise. It prevents the long term injuries. Warm-up can consist of walking, jogging, breathing or simply doing your regular activity at a slow pace.
Do not Exercise in Empty Stomach
While you don’t want to exercise immediately after eating a large meal, eating about 2 hours before exercise can help fuel your exercise and help you avoid bonking during your workout. Muscle failure in the middle of an exercise will lead to painful tears in the tissue that notoriously take forever to heal. Include more fruits, vegetables in your diet. Do not eat something very heavy (like carbs) and exercise. Feeding the body with necessary protein post-workout to repair any muscle fiber damage is of course equally important as the pre-workout carbohydrate consumption.
Drink Before You Exercise
Do not get dehydrate. Always carry water bottles with you. Dehydration can lead to many injuries. Drink 16 oz. of water in the two hours before your workout and then take in water during your workout.
Listen to Your Body
The “no pain, no gain” philosophy can set you up for an injury! It is important to listen to your body. If you experience sharp pain, light-headiness, numbness and weakness during exercise stop your exercise immediately. Because this is the body’s signal, which is trying to say that something is wrong and cannot continue. If you push yourself despite the fact that your body is experiencing pain then, it leads to severe injury and chronic pain. If you feel numbness and no sensation in your body see your doctor immediately.
Take Time for Rest and Recovery
Working out too much for long hours can lead to over-training syndrome and reduces body immunity. It is important to take off a day from the fitness regime each week. If you feel exhausted and extremely sore then take rest and revisit gym once, you feel better in your body. Taking rest and observing your body situation is very important when you are over-training. Do not live on pain-pills or anti-inflammatory medicine. Listen to your body and determine the cause of your pain. Solve the cause, don’t mask it with drugs.
Dress properly for exercise
Dress right! Clothes and footwear are two important items of exercise. Choose your cloths wisely. Wear clothes that wicks the sweat and keeps your body cool and dry. Choosing proper footwear, replacing shoes as needed. Ask an expert what type of footwear you need to wear.
Pre- and Post-Workout
Warming up before exercise increases flexibility and gives comfort to the body. Flexibility will allow you to perform better as muscles will get ready for more poses. It minimizes the risk of injury. After workout, stretch the muscles again. Do not miss it.
Treat your body with respect, Honour your health!
Source: www.werindia.com
Image credit: Photo by Payam Tahery on Unsplash
Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: October 8, 2018
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