Hair Growth Tips

Natural hair growth tips

Coconut oil, sesame oil, badam or almond oil and olive oil : all these oils protect hair and helps in hair growth. You can use them single or in combination. Remember never use fragrant oil on your hair. It may cause headache or added scent can cause adverse effect on hair.

Coconut oil is one of the best source for hair growth. It helps in building the proper hair structure and protects the skin. Thus it helps in controlling dandruff too. Coconut milk is used to increase the growth of hair naturally.

Tip 1: Warm coconut oil or sesame oil and apply on scalp

Blood circulation increases the production of cells in the head. By production of new cells enhance the growth of hair in the head. Blood circulation is increased by applying warm sesame oil or coconut oil. It increases the hair growth.

Tip 2: For black hair

Take half liter sesame oil or coconut oil. Mix that oil with one cup full of Indian curry leaves. Keep it closed. Then use that oil twice a day. For better results one can warm up the oil and add curry leaves to warm oil.

Tip 3: How to stop falling hair

To stop the hair fall, mix badam oil with equal amount of coconut oil, massage for 10 to 15 min before washing the hair.

Tip 4: For glowing hair

Some people like to have glowing black hair. Slightly warm up olive oil and massage on the scalp and apply on hair. Leave it for a day and wash the hair.

Tip 5: For good hair growth

Apply coconut oil and massage the scalp. Leave it overnight. Next day while washing the hair make sure you do not remove all oil from the hair. Leave little oil behind in the hair. Do this twice a week and you will see positive changes in your hair growth.

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Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: March 26, 2018

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