General tips for skin health

General tips for skin health

With change in seasons a proper skin care should be in our (health) list.

Often, we wonder how to keep skin young, glowing, fresh and healthy while struggling to cope up with changing weather.

Here are few general tips to take care skin health.

  1. Sunscreen: During hot Sunny days use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 to coat face, ears, arms and neck. SPF 30 has ingredients that protects skin for longer time.
  2. Lotions and body butter: Depending on the season, whether you are at home or going out, apply proper skin lotion that protects skin from cracks, cuts and rashes. Some top recommended products are Aveeno, Lacto calamine, Nivea, Aesop body balm, Skinfix for eczema, Lubriderm, Cetaphil. Before applying test a small portion of product on hidden skin. If you develop rashes or any other type of skin reactions then don’t use the product.
  3. Apply powder sunscreen: Most sunscreens do not work for more than 3-4 hours. Use powder sunscreen for longer effect.
  4. Eat almonds: Include almonds in your breakfast. Soak few almonds for few hours and remove skin and consume. Almond contains fatty acids which brakes inflammation in skin and protects skin from sagging and blotchiness.
  5. Zen the skin: When under tension and stress, our body produces hormones that only aggravates skin conditions. Find out ways to come out from the stress. Some stresses are avoidable – work on finding solution before your skin starts sagging.
  6. Take help of oils: Coconut oil application is one of the best and recommended for skin therapy. Applying coconut oil not only reduces inflammation and irritation, it also helps to retain the skin texture. Similarly, olive oil, almond oil, sesame oil – are also good for skin. Take oil bath once a week.
  7. Avoid high impact: Too much of weight lifting and certain cardio like treadmill can put body under stress by weakening collagen. Especially in women this will result in skin sagging. Instead, alternate your exercises with elliptical and walking.
  8. Yoga glow: Downward dog, forward bending, active child pose and Sun salutations helps in blood circulation and skin glows. To reduce skin aging and inflammation practicing yoga helps – research says this.
  9. Avoid sodium: Reduce sodium intake in food and avoid drinks that supply extra sodium to body. Sodium can cause puffiness of the body and water retention giving a lethargic look for the skin.
  10. Sweet control: Research says controlling sugar intake reduces collagen damage. Collagen keeps skin smooth and firm. Sugar damages collagen. Reducing sugar intake improves skin texture.
  11. Drinking water: Drinking right amount of water keeps skin hydrated, young and attractive. Some people does not like drinking much water. Instead, go for buttermilk, lemon juice (less sugar and salt) and herbal tea. Drinking green tea helps in prevention of collagen breakdown and prevents skin cancer.
  12. To have healthy skin, strictly avoid exposing body to UV radiation in the tanning beds, stop tobacco, getting Sun for longer hours. Getting enough rest and nutrients is critical to get good skin.

Not all skin types are same, always research, understand what is your skin type is and talk to your doctor before following any suggestions.


Image credit: Photo by Pharma Hemp Complex on Unsplash (Free for commercial use)

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: September 28, 2017

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