India Fights Covid – Support pours in from countries
#IndiaFightscorona #Unite2Fightcorona
For the sixth consecutive day India has reported more new Coronavirus cases on April 27th, 2021. These numbers have overwhelmed Indians and health care system. New double mutant Coronavirus variant is found in India and spreading faster than earlier variants. According to WHO “The B.1.617 variant of Covid-19 found in India had as of Tuesday been detected in over 1,200 sequences uploaded to the GISAID open-access database from at least 17 countries”
India has been always helping other countries when in need. Indian Government has supplied made in India Covid vaccine to more than 90 countries *https://www.mea.gov.in/vaccine-supply.htm). Now when India itself is going through the crisis many nations are stepping in to help.
UK, E.U, France, Russia, Singapore, Israel, Germany, Mongolia, and many other countries are already supporting India’s fight against Covid-19. After USA’s refusal to supply critical raw materials to India, that led to shock and anger worldwide, USA Govt faced huge backlash from global community. Now USA is pledged to help India. Soon after a call with India’s PM Narendra Modi, President Biden tweeted saying “India was there for us and we will be there for them” India’s fight against Covid-19 will be supported by US by providing emergency assistance and resources. India’s PM Narendra Modi and President Biden spoke on Monday regarding the crisis and support. White House announced supply of oxygen, raw materials for Covi-19 vaccines and live saving drugs to PPEs.
As India’s request United States is looking at option to provide oxygen and other supplies. US will also provide the necessary raw materials for AstraZeneca Covishield vaccine which is produced at Serum Institute of India. In addition, Biden administration is exploring options to provide oxygen concentrators and ventilators.
Even though, India has sufficient oxygen, problem is transportation of oxygen from Industrial locations to hospitals where it is needed. While India is setting up 551 new oxygen generators at hospitals across the country, special oxygen carrying trains were also transported to shortage hit cities. India is also facing shortage of critical drugs for treating severe covid cases including Remedesivir and sedatives for those patients who are on ventilators.
India has submitted seven essential items that is helpful in the crisis. These include
- Oxygen concentrators
- Oxygen cylinders with 10 liter and 45-liter capacity
- Oxygen generators
- Oxygen generation plants
- Remedesivir
- Favipiravir
- Tocilizumab.
US Chamberfoundation.org has provided detailed support that India needs in this crisis. The Immediate Health needs for India as per the Central and State Government Officials of India as well as non-governmental experts are:
- Build makeshift hospitals and the technical support to build these quickly
- Expand bed capacity, especially in smaller cities
- Strengthen oxygen supply chain and expand capacity for:_
- Transporting oxygen: 100 ISO tank containers for liquid medical oxygen, e.g., here
- Generating oxygen closer to areas of need, for example:
- Military grade oxygen generators
- Oxygen concentrators for individual use
- Medical devices and supplies that support respiratory intervention support:-
- BiPAP machines
- Mechanical ventilators
- ECMO equipment
- IV drips and other peripherals
- Drugs, specifically:-
- Dexamethazone
- Remdesivir
- Tocilizumab
While India is fighting the Covid, as citizens of India let us do our part. Let us wear mask, keep social distancing, follow hygiene practices, and take vaccination to build resistance for Coronavirus. If anyone needs help step in, take care of those who are fragile and not able to help themselves.
If you wish to donate and help India during this crisis, please do so by clicking on any of below links:
Image credit: Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)
Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: April 28, 2021
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