Wayne Walter Dyer’s Inspirational quotes
Wayne Walter Dyer (May 10, 1940 – August 29, 2015) was an American self-help author and motivational speaker
Wayne Walter Dyer (May 10, 1940 – August 29, 2015) was an American self-help author and motivational speaker
Use more herbs and spices in your cooking to reap their antioxidant and immunity-boosting benefits.
Not all days are same. Sometimes at home, sometimes at work or college or in public one could be tensed or stressed.
Emotions that are freely experienced and expressed without judgment or attachment tend to flow fluidly.
Ever wondered how much we work hard or whatever we are blessed with, but still crib about the smallest things happened to us which we were not expecting or didn’t go the way we wanted them to be.
My main practice is to dedicate my body, speech and mind to the welfare of others.
There are several examples of benefits of practicing yoga. You can have a look on all the examples in parts.
Click here to know some more examples of benefits of practicing yoga.