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Lizard pose hip opener

Release Tension By Practicing Hip Opener Uttahan Pristhasana Lizard Pose

Uttahan Pristhasana known as Lizard Pose is intermediate yoga pose that opens hip muscles. The pose resembles standing lizard hence it is known as lizard pose. This pose is recommended for those who wants to stretch hamstring and hip flexors and especially recommended for athletes who have tight hips. Stretching with this pose helps to relax and strengthens quadriceps.

Benefits of lizard pose:

When we are stressed out, it reflects on our hips and hip and thigh muscle gets tensed. Practicing lizard pose helps to relax and releases the stress from big muscles. It calms mind and helps to focus on mind and body. Improves digestion and strengthens core, quadriceps, thigh muscles and arms. Helps to open hips, chest and stimulates internal organs. It is also a pose that prepares for poses that require much deeper stretches and eventually a person can sit easily on floor without any pain.

How to get into Lizard pose?

  1. Start withTadasana or Standing Mountain Pose mountain pose
  2. Bend and move to downward facing dog pose. Keep your feet slightly wider than the shoulder.
  3. Slowly lift right leg up into air, to three-legged dog pose and bring the lifted leg front and place outside the right hand.
  4. Slowly bring your hands forward and come down on forearms and place both forearms on the mat. If you cannot bring down on forearms keep your hand lifted.
  5. Open the chest and lengthen the spine.
  6. Draw shoulder blades together.
  7. Stretch the left leg, keep the right knee hugging towards midline and right hip and left hip should be in same line.
  8. Keep left leg up or if you find it difficult, go on knee. Advantage of keeping left leg up is it gives some more stretch.
  9. Now look straight, hold on to the pose for three to five breath.
  10. To come out of the pose, slowly come on arms and move right leg back and come to a  table top pose.
  11. Repeat the steps on left side.
  12. After completing the steps, get into child pose and relax.


People who suffer from sciatica and lower back pain should avoid practicing this pose. In case,  Dyou want to practice the pose, keep your knee on the floor and use blocks for support.

If you find any discomfort doing the pose, back off and relax.

Image credit: (

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: February 4, 2025
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Madhukeshwara Hegde beekeeping

Success Story Of Dr Madhukeshwara Janaka Hegde Beekeeping Pioneer

Beekeeping is crucial for many reasons, from supporting biodiversity to ensuring food security. No bees, no food—at least not the way we know it. Bees are responsible for pollinating about one-third of the food we eat, including many fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Without them, global food production would collapse, leading to shortages and higher prices.

Some key impacts of bee loss:
Fewer Crops – Apples, almonds, avocados, berries, cucumbers, and even coffee depend on bee pollination.
Nutritional Decline – Without bees, diets would lack essential vitamins and minerals from fruits and veggies.
Rising Food Costs – Hand-pollination or artificial methods would be expensive and inefficient.
Ecosystem ImbalanceBees support biodiversity, and their decline could disrupt entire food chains.

Dr. Madhukeshwara Janaka Hegde, hailing from Sirsi Taluk in Uttara Kannada District, Karnataka, India is a distinguished beekeeper and entrepreneur. Despite having formal education only up to the eighth grade, he earned an honorary doctorate for his significant contributions to bee farming. His journey into beekeeping began with a modest loan of ₹20,000, which he utilized to establish his honey farming venture. Over time, his dedication and innovative approaches have led to the management of over 1,000 beehives, transforming his enterprise into a multi-million-rupee business.

Madhu bee nursery and research center-

Beyond his personal success, Dr. Hegde is committed to empowering other farmers. He offers training programs and shares his extensive knowledge of beekeeping, aiming to uplift new agricultural enthusiasts. His efforts have been recognized at the national level, including a mention in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “Mann Ki Baat” program.

Dr. Hegde’s entrepreneurial spirit is evident in his development of various honey-based products, such as Honey Kokam Juice, Honey Jam, and Honey Ashwagandha products, which cater to contemporary markets. He has established a society to market these products across India and internationally, enhancing the value of honey and expanding its reach.

In addition to his work in product development, Dr. Hegde is a skilled apitherapist, utilizing bee products for therapeutic purposes. He provides treatments for various conditions, including joint pains, allergies, and blood diseases, leveraging his knowledge of Ayurveda and medicinal plants.

Dr. Hegde’s journey from humble beginnings to becoming a leader in beekeeping exemplifies the impact of dedication and innovation in agriculture. His commitment to sharing knowledge and empowering others continues to inspire many in the farming community.

Entrepreneurial Impact:

  • Established a society for marketing honey products across India and internationally.
  • Utilizes apitherapy, treating joint pains, allergies, and blood diseases using bee products and Ayurvedic knowledge.

Dr. Hegde continues to inspire and uplift farmers by sharing his expertise, proving that dedication and innovation in agriculture can lead to extraordinary success. For those interested in learning directly from Dr. Hegde, he offers mentorship through platforms like the ffreedom app, where he shares insights into beekeeping and its associated business opportunities.


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: February 3, 2025
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Guillain Barre Syndrome

Guillain Barre Syndrome

Pune city in Maharashtra India is in news for the appearance of rare condition called Guillian Bare Syndrome. So far there are 73 cases are reported including 47 males and 26 females. One death is also reported. Doctors are suspecting that the food and water infection are triggers for the syndrome appearance. So far, cases are reported mainly in Pune’s Kirkatwadi, Nandoshi, Nanded, Dhayari, and Sinhagad Road.

What is Guillain Barre syndrome?

Also known as GBS, Guillain Barre syndrome is not contagious or inherited. It is a rare neurological disorder in which body’s immune system mistakenly attacks part of its peripheral nervous system. The nervous system that is located outside spinal cord and brain.

Other names for GBS are: Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy and Landry’s Ascending Paralysis.

When a person develops GBS it can range from mild case with brief weakness to devastating paralysis leaving the person unable to breath independently. In most cases people do recover from severe GBS and will continue to have some weakness after recovery.

GBS will not affect anyone. However, it can strike any person at any age of both sexes. GBS is an autoimmune disease because antibodies and white blood cells that protect us from microorganism’s invasion, mistakenly attacks healthy nerves of our body. The symptom starts few days or weeks of following a gastrointestinal or respiratory viral infection. Sometimes a surgery can trigger the GBS. According to reports worldwide number of GBS is increased following infection with Zika virus.

Symptoms of GBS:

  • Muscle weakness, difficulty in vision
  • Difficulty in speaking, swallowing and chewing
  • Pricking sensations in hands and feet
  • Severe body pain particularly at night
  • Having hard time focusing, coordination problem and unsteadiness
  • Abnormal heart rate and blood pressure
  • Indigestion, bladder control problem.

The intensity of the symptoms increases over hours and days until certain types of muscles in the body cannot be used and person can almost paralyzed. At this stage the disease can be life threatening with heart rate increase, blood pressure increases and trouble in breathing.

What is the impact of GBS on health?

The central conducting core in the nerves called axon and it carries signal to various body parts. The axon is covered by a sheath called myelin. Myelin helps the axon to speed up the transmission of nerve signals. In patients with GBS, the body immune system damages myelin sheath of the axons of peripheral nerves and it also might damage axon. This results in improper or no signal transmit from the nerves and muscles begin to lose their ability to respond brain’s commands. When this happens body weakens. This can happen in hours or days. Once the nerves are damages brain also receives abnormal sensory signals from the body. This causes tingling, bugs crawling sensation a pain in the body.

Diagnosis of GBS:

There are many health conditions that are like GBS in the initial status. Doctors therefore might find it difficult to diagnose Guillain Barre syndrome. As the disease advances, doctors will keep patient under observation to see the symptoms that appear on both sides of body.

A nerve velocity test provides clue for further diagnosis. Cerebrospinal fluid that bathes spinal cord and brain will be collected to check protein level. The key diagnostic finding includes:

  • Further abnormal sensation of numbness, tingling and pain will be noted
  • Diminished deep tendon reflexes in limbs
  • Elevated cerebrospinal fluid protein without elevated cell count
  • Slow nerve signal conduction
  • Viral infection and or diarrhea from recent health issue


There is no known cure for GBS. Certain treatment will help patient to recover and get back to normal life. GBS syndrome is a devastating disorder because of the way the disease spreads – rapid, sudden and weakness with paralysis. With good intensive care patient can recover steadily. Studies show nearly 70% of GBS patients eventually experience full recovery and get back to normalcy with assistance and aid. So far there is no known cure for GBS. Some therapies can help to lessen the severity of illness and speed up recovery time. Because of the paralysis type of complications, patients who has GBS are usually admitted and treated in hospitals under doctor care.

Supportive care will monitor breathing, heartbeat and blood pressure. In case patient breathe is impaired hospital will put patient on ventilator.

Plasma exchange or plasmapheresis and high -dose immunoglobulin therapy or IVIg are two treatments that are effective if the treatment starts two weeks of onset of GBS.

When the patients start showing improvement then they are transferred to rehabilitation center for further strength treatments. It helps resume their daily activities. Specific exercises selected by therapist will help to improve and strengthen the muscles and nerves.

Guillain Barre Syndrome is life threatening condition. Like many other diseases, early detection of GBS followed by proper treatment will help patients to recover fast. If not attended and not taken care, person who has GBS might take many months to recover and it can be life threatening too.

Image: At age of 26 Holly Geralch was pregnant with her first child. Within few weeks of her daughter’s birth Holly was diagnosed with GBS. After 2.5 months of hospitalization and one year treatment, Holly started responding and slowly recovered.



Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: January 29, 2025
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Black and white sesame seeds

Black And White Sesame Seeds Are Beneficial For Women’s Health

Both black and white sesame seeds are highly beneficial for women’s health, thanks to their rich nutrient profile. They are small but mighty seeds loaded with essential nutrients like calcium, magnesium, zinc, healthy fats, fiber, and plant-based protein.

White and black sesame seeds are small, nutrient-rich seeds that have been used in various cuisines and traditional medicine practices for centuries. While they come from the same plant (Sesamum indicum), they have distinct characteristics, uses, and nutritional profiles.

White sesame seeds: These are hulled seeds, which give them a lighter color.  White sesame seeds are mild, slightly sweet, and nutty. Commonly used in baking (bagels, bread), as a garnish, and in dishes like tahini and sesame oil. The nutritional value of white sesame seeds is rich in calcium, magnesium, and zinc. Known for promoting bone health and supporting the immune system.

Black sesame seeds: Unhulled seeds, retaining their outer shell, which contributes to their darker color and higher nutrient content. Flavor is stronger, nuttier, and slightly more bitter compared to white sesame seeds. These are popular in Asian cuisines, often used in desserts, rice dishes, and black sesame paste. Nutritional value of black sesame seeds is: Higher in antioxidants sesamol and sesamin, which may have anti-aging and heart-health benefits. Also rich in iron and calcium.

Which one to choose? Use white sesame seeds for mild flavor and aesthetic appeal. Use black sesame seeds for a bolder flavor and added antioxidant benefits.

Benefits of sesame seeds for women’s health:

  1. Hormonal balance: Sesame seeds are rich in lignans, a type of phytoestrogen that can support hormonal balance, particularly during menopause, by mimicking estrogen in the body.
  2. Bone health: They are an excellent source of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, which are crucial for maintaining strong bones and preventing osteoporosis, especially in postmenopausal women.
  3. Skin and hair health: Packed with vitamin E, zinc, and healthy fats, sesame seeds promote glowing skin and strong, shiny hair.
  4. Heart health: The seeds contain healthy unsaturated fats and antioxidants, like sesamin, which can help lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and improve cardiovascular health.
  5. Anti-inflammatory properties: Sesame seeds have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can alleviate joint pain and support overall health.
  6. Rich in Iron: Black sesame seeds are an excellent source of iron, which can be beneficial for women dealing with anemia.
  7. Boosts fertility: Zinc in sesame seeds supports reproductive health by promoting egg quality and regulating menstrual cycles.

How to use sesame seeds? Here are some easy and tasty ways to incorporate sesame seeds into your diet:

  1. Sprinkle on dishes: Add sesame seeds to salads, soups, stir-fries, or roasted vegetables for a crunchy texture.
  2. Sesame butter: Also known as tahini – it can be used as a spread, in dressings, or in smoothies for a creamy and nutrient-rich boost.
  3. In baked goods: Mix sesame seeds into bread, muffins, or cookie recipes.
  4. Sesame milk: Blend sesame seeds with water, strain, and enjoy as a calcium-rich dairy-free milk alternative.
  5. Roasted sesame seeds: Lightly roast sesame seeds and sprinkle them on rice, noodles, or avocado toast.
  6. Sesame laddoo -energy balls: Combine sesame seeds with dates, nuts, and coconut to make no-bake energy balls.
  7. Smoothies: Add a spoonful of sesame seeds or tahini to your morning smoothie for extra nutrition.
  8. Seasoning mix (Gomasio): Mix roasted sesame seeds with salt to create gomasio, a Japanese seasoning that can be sprinkled on dishes for flavor.
  9. Sesame oil: Use sesame oil for cooking or as a salad dressing to reap its health benefits.
  10. Sesame rice: Add red chilis, asafetida and salt to white sesame seeds, coarse grind. Mix this with rice and have. No need to roast sesame seeds.

Image credit: Close-Up Shot of Sesame Seeds-Photo by Ivan Samkov: (Free to use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: January 28, 2025
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Benefits Of Eating Refrigerated Rice

Benefits Of Eating Refrigerated Rice

Eating refrigerated rice with a lower glycemic index (GI) can have positive health impacts, especially for people managing blood sugar levels, weight, or metabolic health. However, there are also important safety considerations when eating refrigerated rice. 

1. Improved blood sugar control: The reduced GI means glucose enters the bloodstream more gradually, preventing spikes and crashes in blood sugar. This is particularly beneficial for people with diabetes or insulin resistance. A steady blood sugar response reduces hunger cravings and stabilizes energy levels. 

2. Supports weight management: Resistant starch in refrigerated rice acts like fiber, promoting satiety and reducing calorie intake by slowing digestion. Resistant starch has a lower caloric value than digestible carbohydrates (2 kcal/gram vs. 4 kcal/gram). It also increases fat-burning due to its fermentation in the gut, which produces short-chain fatty acids. 

3. Enhanced gut health: Resistant starch feeds beneficial gut bacteria, functioning as a prebiotic. It helps produce short-chain fatty acids like butyrate, which Improve colon health. Reduce inflammation in the digestive tract. Protects against conditions like colorectal cancer. 

4. Lower glycemic load for the whole meal: Refrigerated rice combined with other low-GI foods (e.g.: veggies, lean proteins) results in a meal with a lower overall glycemic load, reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome. 

5. Potential for better heart health: Reduced blood sugar spikes and improved insulin sensitivity are associated with a lower risk of heart disease. Resistant starch consumption may help lower cholesterol levels. 

Image credit: Photo by Robert Moutongoh: (Free to use) 

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: January 27, 2025
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Practical Tips For Resistant Starch

Practical Tips For Resistant Starch

Cook extra portions of rice, refrigerate, and use it for stir-fries, salads, or soups the next day. Consume rice with unripe banana curry, legumes, and sweet potato curry. These vegetables contain more resistant starch. 

Avoid spoiling of rice overly long refrigeration (over 3-4 days) to maintain food safety. 

Potential risks of refrigerated rice 

1. Food safety concerns:  

Cooked rice can harbor Bacillus cereus, a bacterium that thrives when rice is improperly cooled or left at room temperature. This can cause food poisoning.  

To avoid this – 

  • Cool rice quickly after cooking (within 1–2 hours). 
  • Store in the refrigerator at ≤4°C (≤40°F). 
  • Eat refrigerated rice within 3–4 days. 
  • Reheat thoroughly to kill bacteria (to at least 165°F/74°C). 

2. Lower nutritional content: While resistant starch is beneficial, cooling rice does not increase vitamins, minerals, or fiber. It only reduces GI. Pair it with nutrient-rich foods for a balanced diet. 

Image credit: Photo by Ahmad No More: (Free to use) 

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Low-Glycemic Index Strategies With Rice Eating

Low-Glycemic Index Strategies With Rice Eating

Cooking method, rice varieties, pairing rice with proper food and portion control provides lower GI. 

  1. Food pairing:
  • Pair rice with high-fiber foods like leafy vegetables or healthy fats to slow glucose absorption. 
  • Adding acidic foods (eg: lemon juice, vinegar) can also lower the meal’s overall glycemic impact.  
  • Combine it with veggies or legumes to enhance digestion and nutrient absorption. 
  1. Rice varieties:
  • Diverse types of rice naturally have varying GIs. For example, brown rice and basmati rice typically have lower GIs than short-grain white rice. 
  1. Cooking methods:
  • Under-cooking rice slightly may result in a lower GI compared to overcooking it. 
  1. Portion Control:
  • Smaller portions of rice reduce the glycemic load (GL) of a meal, which accounts for both GI and the amount of carbohydrates consumed. 

Image credit: Renupradhul, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons  

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Key Factors Influencing GI

Key Factors Influencing GI

The following are four distinct factors that influence GI of rice. 

Rice variety: 

  1. Short-grain white rice (e.g., sticky or sushi rice) has a higher GI. 
  1. Basmati or long-grain white rice has a moderate GI (50–65). 
  1. Brown rice or black rice has a lower GI (50–55). 

Cooking method: 

  1. Overcooked rice has a higher GI than rice cooked at the right consistency. 
  1. Adding oils or lemon juice can further reduce the GI. 

Portion and meal composition: Pairing rice with fiber, protein, or fats can slow digestion and reduce the overall glycemic response of the meal. 

Practical tips: 

  • Use long-grain or basmati rice for a naturally lower GI. 
  • Cook rice ahead of time, refrigerate it for at least 12 hours, and reheat it before eating. 
  • Pair rice with vegetables, protein, or healthy fats to further lower the glycemic impact. 

Practical ways to maximize health benefits: 

  1. Portion control: Use refrigerated rice in moderate amounts to balance blood sugar and calorie intake. 
  1. Pair with protein and healthy fats: Add chicken, fish, tofu, avocado, or olive oil for a balanced meal. 
  1. Include high-fiber foods: Combine with veggies or legumes to enhance digestion and nutrient absorption. 
  1. Cool safely: Refrigerate cooked rice quickly to avoid bacterial contamination. 

Image credit: By Sudharshan Shanmugasundaram – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, 

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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