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Tag: intermediate yoga pose

Revolved Side Angle Pose

Improve Your Overall Health By Practicing Revolved Side Angle Pose

Revolved side angle pose is an intensive twisting pose. It involves full body stretching and twisting. Practicing this pose daily has multiple benefits for the body. While massaging the abdominal organs it stimulates the organs, relieves constipation problem and improve digestion.

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Padahastasana Forward bend pose

Practice Padahastasana & reduce belly

Padahastasana Foot Hand Forward Bend is intermediate pose. It takes several practice to get into the pose. It is one of the best pose out there in yoga that helps to reduce belly and strengthens muscles.

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Lizard pose hip opener

Release Tension By Practicing Hip Opener Uttahan Pristhasana Lizard Pose

Uttahan Pristhasana known as Lizard Pose is intermediate yoga pose that opens hip muscles. The pose resembles standing lizard hence it is known as lizard pose. This pose is recommended for those who wants to stretch hamstring and hip flexors and especially recommended for athletes who have tight hips. Stretching with this pose helps to relax and strengthens quadriceps.

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