Diagnosis of Mucormycosis

Diagnosis of Mucormycosis

If someone known that there is problem in breathing, sinus infection or any such symptoms that indicate that the black fungus could be in action in the body, immediately they should contact doctor.

Healthcare providers consider your medical history, symptoms, physical examinations, and laboratory tests when diagnosing mucormycosis. Healthcare providers who suspect that you have mucormycosis in your lungs or sinuses might collect a sample of fluid from your respiratory system to send to a laboratory.

Your healthcare provider may perform a tissue biopsy, in which a small sample of affected tissue is analyzed in a laboratory for evidence of mucormycosis under a microscope or in a fungal culture. You may also need imaging tests such as a CT scan of your lungs, sinuses, or other parts of your body, depending on the location of the suspected infection.

Image credit: CDC.gov

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: May 26, 2021

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