Aquatic Jumping Jacks

Aquatic Jumping Jacks

Aquatic jumping jacks help improve cardiovascular endurance and work the muscles in the arms and legs. These are modified version of traditional jumping jacks that are performed in the water. Steps to perform Aquatic jumping jack:


1.       Stand in waist deep water: Position yourself in waist-deep water in a pool. Ensure that you have enough space to move your arms and legs freely.


2.       Body alignment: Stand with your feet together and maintain proper body alignment by engaging your core muscles and keeping your shoulders relaxed.


3.       Starting position: Start with your arms resting by your sides and your hands slightly below the water’s surface.


4.       Perform the movement: To do the water aerobics jumping jack, simultaneously raise your arms and legs out to the sides. Your arms should move above the water, and your legs should spread apart sideways.


5.       Return to starting position: Bring your arms and legs back to the starting position by lowering them simultaneously.


6.       Repeat: Continue performing the jumping jack motion in a controlled and rhythmic manner.


Image credit: Physical fitness 2302×2693 – – 492661 – Free stock photos – PxHere (Public Domain CC by 0)


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: July 24, 2023

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