Uttasana or Padahastastana (Hand to foot pose)
From Ashwa Sanchalanasana- bring left foot front to join the right foot – exhale and lower the arms and trunk down.
From Ashwa Sanchalanasana- bring left foot front to join the right foot – exhale and lower the arms and trunk down.
From Adho mukha svanasana slowly inhale and putting your weight on the hands bring the right leg between the two hands and straighten the left leg behind like a stick resting on the toes
From Ashwa Sanchalanasana inhale and exhale while bringing back the left foot meet right foot.
From Adho Mukha svanasana slowly bring both the knees down and then slowly bring the chest down.
From Padahastastana slowly inhale and putting your weight on the hands stretch the right leg behind like a stick resting on the toes.
From Udbhava hastasana exhale and lower the arms and trunk down
Exhale and release arms from Namaskarasana and inhale and stretch or extend the arms straight forward and above the head
Pranamasana or the Prayer Pose is the starting pose for Surya Namaskara.