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Tag: Immune boosters

Kadha for strong immunity

Kadha recipe, Ayurvedic liquid to help throat and boost immunity

To build immunity and to boost immunity apart from regular exercises, we should focus on our food intake. There are several herbs that help us to boost immunity because of their unique ingredients or phytochemicals.

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Post Covid Nutrition

WHO: Nutrition and Food Recommendation for Adults Post Covid-19 Recovery

Post Covid-19 patients who return home must consider taking nutrient rich food. At hospital care takers will give nutrient and calorie rich food that helps to bring energy back.

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Herbal powders to boost immune system

Immune and Overall Health Boosting Herbal Powders

Plants are a gift to mankind. Do you know? Many of the natural products derived from plants are used in drugs and nearly 120 plus drugs we use today are originally derived from plant phytochemicals.

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