Introducing reading habits in kids

Introducing Reading Habit In Kids

Reading is a crucial skill that kids must develop from a young age and parents must nurture the reading skill of children. Developing a reading habit from a young age can have a lasting positive impact on a child’s cognitive, emotional, and social development.

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Interactive with kids

Positive Interaction Helps Kids To Develop Self Esteem

Positive interaction with children results in strong relationship and creates nurturing environment. It helps kids to develop self esteem.

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Playing scavenger hunt helps kids

Playing Scavenger Hunt Helps Kids

Scavenger hunt games are popular play in parties and picnics for children. These games can be played by either individuals or teams where kids compete to see who can find all the items from a list. Person or team who collects all the items is pronounced the winner.

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Baby Formula feeding

Baby Formula Feeding -What Parents Should Know

For babies breastfeeding is the best nutrition source. However, with working mothers and schedules or due to situations – medical or any other personal reasons if mother is not able to breast feed, then the next option is going with formula or formula milk. If parents are relying on formula feed then understanding how to prepare formula and what are the do’s and don’ts – this is a must know for the parents as it is critical for baby’s health and proper development reasons.

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These three minerals are essential for children

These three minerals are essential for children

Three minerals constitute 98% of body’s weight and are critical for children growth and development are calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

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Basic hand on toys for kids

Encourage child to Play With Basic Hand on Toys

According to Aleeya Healey, MD of AAP “Toys have evolved over the years,

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Help kids to express emotions

Help kids to express their emotions

As a parent or a teacher there are chances you come across a child who appears to be sad all the time. No smiles, not mingling with other children, does not play or does not talk much. Sometimes child may also throw tantrum.

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Teach children not to lie

Teaching Children Not To Lie And How Not To Be Brutally Honest

There is difference between telling truth and being brutal honest. Most kids are taught not to lie and to be truthful and honest. This is a good lesson. However, there are times kids might not be able to understand the difference between telling truth and being honest -brutally.

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