Charley Horse Leg cramp

Tips To Prevent Charley Horse Or Calf Muscles Cramp

Muscle spasm or cramp that we experience in our calf is known as Charley horse and it usually occurs in the legs, particularly in the calf muscles. These cramps can cause sudden, intense pain as the muscle contracts involuntarily and remains tight for a brief period

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Lymph fluid circulation

Keep Lymph Fluid Circulating For Good Health

Lymph fluid, also known as lymph, is a clear, colorless fluid that flows through the lymphatic system, which is part of the immune system. Lymph is composed primarily of water, proteins, white blood cells-especially lymphocytes, and waste products.

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Heating and cold pad use

Cold And Heat Pads – When To Use?

Using ice and heat for injuries and pain management depends on the type and timing of the injury or condition.

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Ignored cancer symptoms in men

Commonly Ignored Cancer Symptoms In Men

Cancer symptoms in men can often be subtle and easily overlooked. Here are some common cancer symptoms in men that are sometimes ignored and mistaken for common ailments

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Gluteal tendinopathy hip pain

Lateral Hip Pain Gluteal Tendinopathy Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Gluteal tendinopathy, also known as gluteal tendinitis or lateral hip pain, is a condition characterized by pain and inflammation of the tendons in the gluteal muscles, particularly the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus.

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Retinal detachment

Retinal Detachment Symptoms, Precautions and Treatment

Retina is a light sensitive layer of tissue situated in the back of the eye. Retinal detachment is an eye issue that happens when the retina is pulled away from its position at the back of the eye. Retinal detachment is an emergency and need to immediate attention. If not treated on time, more detachment happens resulting in permanent loss of vision.

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Constipation and back pain relief

How To Get Relief From Constipation Induced Back Pain

Constipation can sometimes be associated with back pain, particularly lower back pain. It is important to note that while constipation and back pain can be related, they can also be symptoms of separate underlying issues.

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Canker sore prevention tips

Canker Sores Symptoms And Prevention

Canker sores, also known as aphthous ulcers, can develop due to several reasons, and while there is no one-size-fits-all remedy, there are several strategies to alleviate discomfort and speed up the healing process.

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