Intermittent fasting benefits Type 2 diabetes

For Type-2 Diabetes Weight Loss Intermittent Fasting Is A Better Option Than Other Diets

In Type -2 diabetes patients an intermittent fasting of 8/16 hours resulted in more weight loss a study shows. These patients who volunteered for the research ate whatever they wanted in 8 hours window (and 16 hours fasting) and lost more weight than the people who cut their calorie intake by 25%

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Breast cancer chemotherapy drugs

Breast Cancer Chemotherapy Drugs And Preventive Action

Breast cancer chemotherapy drugs are an essential part of cancer treatment for many individuals diagnosed with breast cancer. Chemotherapy drugs are designed to target and destroy rapidly dividing cancer cells.

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Vaccine for RSV for babies

CDC Recommends New Vaccine To Help Protect Babies Against Severe Respiratory Syncytial Virus

CDC recommended the first respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant people to protect their newborn from severe RSV illness. RSV is the leading cause of hospitalization for U.S. infants. This new vaccine, Pfizer’s bivalent RSVpreF vaccine (trade name Abrysvo TM),

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AI avatar for communication

AI Technology and Brain Implant Helps Woman with Stroke to Speak After 18 years

Her name is Ann. She suffered a brainstem stroke at the age of 30 and it left her deeply paralyzed. The reason for the stroke is still mysterious. The condition resulted in loss of control of all muscles in her body. Ann was unable to breathe. Ann is 47 years now. After 18 years of the injury, even though she cannot speak verbally on her own, thanks to AI technology, Ann can communicate

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Tattoo safety tips

Safe Tattoo: Things You Should Know Before You Ink

Tattoos are one of the most desired body art and the stigma of tattoos is widespread though out the world. For many people it is a way of self-expression. Getting tattoos is attractive. However, tattoos can come with some health risks. According to American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) most people will not notice severe symptoms.

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Drugs from ocean

Status of Extraction of Potential Drugs from the Ocean

Many of the drugs that we use today are derived from natural resources and many are from terrestrial resources. Ocean is known to have large number of identified and unidentified forms of species and rich in biodiversity. Scientists are also extracting drugs from marine species. Some of the active chemicals that could be useful for human health benefits extracted from ocean are:

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Yoga Guru BKS Iyengar

Remembering Yoga Guru BKS Iyengar

Iyengar was an eminent exponent of yoga as enunciated in the ancient ‘Patanjali Sutra’.

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Three parents baby

Three People Babies – Baby With DNA From Three Persons Born In UK

From parents’ genetic disorders can be passed to offspring. This is the risk parents face when they plan on having babies. To prevent passing genetic disorders researchers at UK performed an IVF procedure which involved transfer of mitochondrial DNA or also known as Mitochondrial donation treatment MDT and therapy is called mitochondrial replacement therapy MRT

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