Farm to table

Improve Your Health -Eat Locally Grown Food – Farm To Table Movement

Farm to table is a food production and consumption concept that emphasizes the direct sourcing of fresh, locally grown or produced food from farmers and producers to consumers, typically through restaurants or markets.

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Processed foods

Why Should We Avoid Processed Foods

Processed food is any food that has been altered in some way during preparation and processed to stay for days. Processing food can be – freezing, cooking, drying, canning. Not all processed foods are unhealthy.

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Sri Lanka plant health system

Sri Lanka’s Hands-On Approach To Strengthen Plant Health System

ecently Sri Lanka has taken strict measures to safeguard plant health by using PCE or Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation. How the process is done is explained by FAO of United Nations

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Food testing

Strengthening Of Food Testing System In India

Under Eat Right India movement Food Safety and Standards of India is trying to increase safe food habits for the consumers. Jago Grahak Jago is the campaign organized by Department of consumer Affairs is creating awareness of consumers responsibility and rights regarding the food products.

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Save soil movement by Sadguru

“The Only Magic Material that Turns Death into Life.” – SADHGURU

Save soil is a global movement that was launched by Sadguru Vasudev. This mission is to address the the soil crisis globally by bringing people together to take care of soil health and supporting those who are working to improve and increase the organic content in cultivable soil.

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Edible Drones

These Edible Drones Designed To Help Survivors In Emergency

Can you imagine yourself trapped in an emergency where food is not available, and you struggle to survive. Well, don’t worry! A team of scientists from Swiss federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) has developed a technology using drone to provide food for those who are stranded in such situation

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Falu Abundance in Millets song

PM Modi -In “Abundance in Millets” song, creativity has blended with an important cause of food security and removing hunger

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s initiative resulted in declaring year 2023 as “Year of Millets”. Now, PM Modi in collaboration with Grammy Award winning singer Falu and her husband Gauav Shah bringing out song “Abundance in Millets” to promote the importance of millets. The song which released on June 16th promotes millets while highlighting the importance of millets and potential to alleviate the world hunger.

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Organic food benefits

One Very Good Reason To Bring Organic Produce To Home

Health and diet are one of the most common topics that is involved in discussion, debate and daily talk. Health-conscious person understand why it is important to focus on good diet, what food we should be eating daily and how to focus on family health. Health-conscious individuals buy fresh produce, cook food at home and be selective while eating out. One of the important issues that these individuals should be concerned about is “where the produces are coming from, how they are grown

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