All posts by Sumana Rao

Don't worry about the people in your past; There's a reason they didn't make it to your future.
We may be carrying our ancestors’ genetic memories

We may be carrying our ancestors’ genetic memories

Do we remember what our ancestors’ activities were like and what they experienced? There are many movies where we see generations experiencing and recalling memories of our long dead generations. What imaginations director and writer penned for films might be a reality – that is what recent studies are showing. We may be carrying our ancestors’ genetic memories !

We can relate or identify our behaviors with our parents, grandparents and great grandparents. We can reason our behavior and attribute it to our few earlier generations. It appears that the experiences which our ancestors lived 14 generations back are having an impact/effect on us now. A team of scientists lead by Barcelona’s center for Genomic Regulation and the Joseph Carreras Leukemia Research Institute say that based on their studies on nematode worms there is possibility that the genes of our ancestors have passed through several generations to give those memories back!

This observation is not made with humans. The theory and assumption is based on nematode research and the fact that the difference between humans and nematode worms’ genetic makeup is not much. Thus, there is a chance that an ancestor who was born few centuries ago might be still playing in our life with his/her memories. This is assuming that if human genetic makeup acts in similar manner as compared to genetic makeup of nematodes!

The basic genetics is that genes are inherited from parents and their parents to them. Changes to genome expression can be due to chemicals, environment, internal factors, psychological issues, chemicals, activities etc. In case, our ancestors experienced severe stress then gene expression –  would have changed. This information was stored in (DNA). This will be carried to next generation (epigenetic change) without altering gene sequence. Some researchers give example where ancestors who went through Dutch famine transferred the memories to future generation in the form of genes. Those descendants developed increased glucose intolerance in adulthood! Another example is descendants of Holocaust survivors who have lower levels of cortisol and can bounce back from a trauma.

The studies on nematode helps us to understand epigenetic inheritance because it demonstrates of long the epigenetic inheritance or inter-generational effects carry through in generations.

Studies on nematode and earlier in mice show that memories can be passed down to generations through these genetic changes and offspring inherit the memories and experience of their ancestors.  This study also may explain why some people suffer from irrational phobias, psychological conditions, undergo stress for small reasons – well, it might be based on inherited experiences and memories from their ancestors!!

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: April 27, 2018
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Are you familiar with these citrus varieties?

Are you familiar with these citrus varieties?

During month of April, markets will start filling with fresh and different varieties of citrus fruits. There are many varieties of citrus one can see that have similar and different health benefits.

Most citrus fruits are used for their vitamin C contents. Some have more bitter taste than others.

Morning breakfast without orange juice is not a complete breakfast for many. Drinking orange juice morning hours boosts energy and helps to go through a day.

Citrus fruits known to enhance metabolism, boosts immune system, fights common cold.

Citrus fruits had culinary values too – zest of lemon and orange peel are added in dessert and dishes.

Next few slides explain how citrus fruit varieties are different from each other and what benefits they offer for humans.

Featured image collage: From Hirt’s garden,,,,, Producemarke

Finger Lime and Buddha’s Hand: Click here to read more

Finger Lime and Buddha's Hand

Grapefruit and Meyer Lemon: Click here to read more

Grapefruit And Meyer Lemon

Tangelo and Sweet Lime: Click here to read more

Tangelo and Sweet Limes

Pomelo and Ugli: Click here to read more

Pomelo and Ugli

Kinnow and Orange: Click here to read more

Kinnow and Orange

Tangerine and Key Lime: Click here to read more

Tangerine and Key Lime

Clementine and Mandarin: Click here to read more

Clementine and Mandarin



Image Courtesy: Google & Pinterest

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: April 25, 2018
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Finger Lime and Buddha's Hand

Finger Lime and Buddha’s Hand

Finger lime: As the name suggests, finger limes are elongated Australian limes.  It tastes like a lemon or lime.

It produces pungent oil in skin when squeezed. It tastes unique with grapefruit note.  It is famous because of its unique look.

The juicy vesicles used for garnishing dishes looks like caviar and is called lime caviar. Fruits are slender about 3 inches long with thin skin.

Outer skin is purplish, greenish black to light green or rusty red. Fruit skin is dried and used as spice. The tangy flavor makes it perfect for pickles and marmalade.

Buddha’s hand: Have you ever seen branched lemon fruit? It is a wild look of lemon or you can say lemon gone wild!

Buddha’s hand is a unique fruit of citrus variety with sweet and lemon blossom aroma. It does not have juice or pulp. The pith inside is not bitter.

The main use of using this fruit is as lemon zest or used as whole. It is used in candy, zest  with sugar and salt, alcohol drinks ,  raw used while steaming tofu and used as ornamental.


  • Image credit: Hirt’s garden (Buddha’s hand),

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Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Grapefruit And Meyer Lemon

Grapefruit and Meyer Lemon

Grapefruit: Grapefruits supply lot of fiber and low calories. It has bioflavonoid that protects us from cancer, heart condition and prevents tumor development. It increases metabolic rate, reduces insulin levels and a good source of weight loss.

It also assists us during indigestion, urinary problems, excess acidity. It works as an excellent appetite suppressant when compared to many other foods.

Research says that that the smell of grapefruit itself reduces hunger. The color inside is pinkish, white or mix of colors depending on variety.  and the name it gets from the way it appears on tree – like grape fruits bunches.

Meyer Lemon: It is a hybrid lime fruit from China. It is named of American agricultural explorer F. N. Meyer.

He bought it from China to US.  It is a hybrid cross between lemon and mandarin orange. Tree looks like ornamental tree.

But fruits are very useful as they can replace traditional lime fruits. It has same medicinal property as lime and is used in cooking and preparation of desserts too. Fruit is yellow color and larger than mandarin orange.

Image credit:, (free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Tangelo and Sweet Limes

Tangelo and Sweet Lime

Tangelo: It is another citrus fruit that is a cross between two varieties – tangerine and pomelo fruits. It is extremely juicy and has little or mild sweet flavor.

It is used as substitute to sweet oranges and mandarin oranges in orange drinks and in various dishes. It generally has loose skin and easier to peel than oranges. Tangelo has elongated or protruding neck.

The two common varieties available in the market are Minneola tangelos and ugli tangelos.  Tangelo trees looks very similar to oranges.

Fruits are rich in Vitamin C, A, flavanones, Calcium, potassium and magnesium. Fruits are also used in jams, marmalades and cakes.

Sweet Lime:  It is a cultivar of citrus lemon and is a popular citrus fruit. Originated and cultivated in South Asia. It is also known as Musambi or sweet lime. It is commonly consumed in India and neighboring countries.

Fruits are very sweet and juice extracted from musambi is one of the most preferred juice during in summer season and recommended during sickness.

The sweet flavor and low acid content with high fiber makes it one of the favorite fruit of Asian country.


Reference Source:

Image credit: (fruits for sale),

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Pomelo and Ugli

Pomelo and Ugli

Pomelo: Pomelo is commonly known as pummelo or shaddock. It is closely related to grapefruits. It is the largest citrus fruit from Southeast Asia.

Taste is very pleasant and there is no tart or tangy flavor. Fruits are pale yellow or green in color.

Edible flesh inside is pulpy with white, red or pink color depending on the variety of pomelo.

It is rich in Vitamin C, potassium, Vit B6, magnesium and dietary fiber. It has culinary uses and is famously used in Mooncake festival.

Ugli: The name may be ugli and fruit may look bit ugly but ugli citrus fruits are very delicious and also priced high. Taste is unique and it is a cross between grapefruit, orange and tangerine. It is included under tangelo fruit type.

Juice of ugli fruit tastes like tangerine, less bitter than grapefruit and has an unique aroma. Skin looks yellow with bit dark touch and looks like mottle citrus.

The first recorded experiments on these fruits were in Florida first. It is native to Jamaica. Fruits are available between April and November.

Ugli supplies very less calories. Fruit is good for building immunity, fighting infection, are anti allergic, supplies good amount of calcium. Skin is used as zest and the inside white pith part has all those nutritional quality.


  • Image credit:, Producemarket

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Kinnow and Orange

Kinnow and Orange

Kinnow:  Kinnow is a cross between citrus cultivars King and willow leaf. It is similar to orange.  It has high seed content.

The low seed variety is developed in Asian countries – Punjab of Pakistan and Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan of India.  It survives high temperature. Tree grows vigorously and produces many fruits.

Skin is very loose and easy to peel. The fruit is best source of energy for cold weather. It improves metabolism, aids digestion, relives acidity and improves intestinal health.

It is also known was one of the best anti poison medicine. It is good for skin health.

Orange: Everyone prefers orange juice and orange fruits. It is a cross between two fruits of citrus family – pomelo and mandarin.

Tastes very sweet and grows in tropical and subtropical climates. Orange fruits known to increase metabolism, appetite and good for cold. It boosts energy and protects immune system.

Orange peel contains volatile oil glands and has several health benefits. Orange juice is also used as a preservative, flavor for various dishes. Fruit is also good for kidney and eye health.


Image credit:,

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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