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Tag: Fruit Allergens

Are you allergic to these fruits? Find out

Are you allergic to these fruits? Find out

Yes, when we consume certain fruits it can lead to allergic reactions. This allergy can be due to allergens present in the fruits or due to chemical sprays that increase allergens.

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Banana allergy

Banana Allergy

Banana fruits are eaten fresh and fruits are ingredients of juice, syrups, fruit shakes and cocktails.

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Apple allergy

Apple allergy

Apple is consumed as fresh fruits or processed in juices, jellies, jams and apple cider. Apple pectin is a gelling agent too.

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Cherry allergy

Cherry allergy

Cherries are eaten fresh and are ingredients of bakery items, jams, jellies, juices, ice cream and preserves.

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Kiwi fruit allergy

Kiwi fruit allergy

Kiwi allergy was first reported in 1981 and since then have become one of the most common allergies in Europe and America.

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Peach allergy

Peach allergy

Peach is eaten fresh as fruit and is ingredient of juices, jams, jellies and preserves. Fruit is juicy as nectarine and delicious to eat.

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Tomato allergy

Tomato allergy

Tomato is one of the most loved food and is used in salads, as vegetables, curry base, stews, soups, pizzas, chutney, pickle etc.

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Pear allergy

Pear allergy

Pear is present in juices, jams, jellies, preserves and eaten as fresh fruit. Like other fruit and vegetable allergies, pear allergy also takes two forms.

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