All posts by Sumana Rao

Don't worry about the people in your past; There's a reason they didn't make it to your future.
Dry fruit laddu

Dry fruit laddu

A highly nutrient laddu is Shahi laddu that generally contains following ingredients -Figs, Apricot , Black Dates , Almonds, Pista , Cucumber seeds, Sunflower seeds, Pumpkin seeds, Melon seeds ,Walnut , Chironji nuts, Nutmeg, Cardamom Saffron. These laddus are best suited for health when consumed every morning with a glass of warm milk, for pregnant and lactating women. In fact, granola bar is nothing but Indian version of Shahi laddu !

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Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: September 28, 2015
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Coconut laddu

Coconut laddu

Speciality of festival of lights ! (Deepavali) is made of coconut. It has all those nutrition values of coconut in it. Raisins, cashew, cardamom are other ingredients that make this laddu variety more tasty and nutrition rich.
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Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Makhane laddu

Makhane laddu

A speciality of Uttar Pradesh state served to pregnant woman as a nutritional diet addition. Makhane has good medicinal properties like It is digestive for all age groups. Due to its astringent property, it is relieves one from diarrhea and helps improve appetite.

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Foxtail laddu

Foxtail laddu

Are offered in many Lord Subramanya temples. This variety was also known as vitamin pills for soldiers as it helped in boosting the immune system of soldiers. Under severe weather conditions soldiers and travellers used to consume these laddus to keep their immune system active!

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Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Thirupathi boondi laddu

Thirupathi boondi laddu

The world famous Thirupathi boondi laddu is made from besan (dry chickpea powder). Recently this laddu completed 300 years service to Lord Venkateshwara. A mind-blowing 150,000 laddus are made and distributed every day. If that sounds like an insanely high number, it is only because 50,000 people faithfully visit the temple every day, and the temple dutifully provides one free laddu to each devotee. Each laddu weighs 175 grams! This sweet laddu is more than just besan and sugar. In addition, a single laddu contains cashew nuts , cardamom, ghee, oil, sugar candy, raisins and almonds. In addition, all these ingredients are bought only at the Commodities and Spices exchange in Kochi. In 2009 Thirupathi temple acquired patent for its laddu ! The taste and look of boondi laddu varies in various parts of India.

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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How to Get Rid of Body Odor ?

Strong or offensive body odor is an embarrassing problem that affects many, and being a sensitive topic, is not openly discussed. Although commercial chemicals and artificial-scent sprays may help to temporarily control body odor, they often do not address the underlying cause. You may want a more natural remedy to manage the problem and there are several natural remedies can help treat undesirable body odor and provide a fresher and cleaner scent.  The reason for body odor is bacteria, sweat, stress, hormonal changes, and foods rich in aminoacid cartinitine. Some tips to get rid of body odor are below.

Diet Remedies for Body Odor :

Diet is of utmost importance, even when it comes to body odor. What you eat will define how you smell. So, you might need to omit certain foods while include another in your diet to get rid of body odor. Here are some suggestions for you to consider when changing diet habits for controlling body odor.

  • Drink lots of water. This helps in eliminating toxins from your body so that you do not smell bad.
  • Have balanced diet complete with all groups of food- protein, whole grains, fish or lean poultry, pulses, healthy fats, fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Limit consumption of fried meat. A food that does not digest easily or completely tend to produce toxins in body.
  • Avoid processed foods. Refined sugar, white flour and fats etc. found in junk foods will lead to many health conditions including body odor.
  • Do not have much of spicy food. While onion and garlic are beneficial for health, over eating them can lead to body odor.
  • Avoid caffeinated beverages, tea, coffee, colas and alcohol. Avoid any fried food that has been made in rancid oil.
  • Have high fiber diet and avoid those with low fiber content.
  • When you eat radish, have a little jaggery too for better digestion.
  • Include such herbs in your diet as coriander, parsley, oregano, mint.
  • Chew fennel seeds after meals. Have turnip or its juice frequently.
  • Quit smoking and stop using tobacco in any form.
  • Do not wear unwashed clothes. Always wash your clothes once you have used them.

Use Vinegar to Get Rid of Body Odor

  • Soak a cotton ball in white vinegar and apply to your underarms.
  • Store vinegar in a sprayer and spray it under your arms after having bath. Don’t use any deodorant after using vinegar.
  • Dilute some white vinegar in a mug of water while having bath and rinse your underarms with this water.

Apply Lemon Juice to Remove Body Odor 

  • Lemon- 1, cut into two halves
  • Water – 1 cup­
  • Take one half of the lemon and rub it under your arms, one by one, squeezing its juice on to your skin. Store the other half of the lemon to be used later.
  • Alternatively, you can squeeze the juice out of the lemon and apply this juice to your underarms with the help of a cotton ball.
  • If you do not like the super acidic nature of lemon or you only have mild body odor, you can dilute lemon juice in water and rinse your underarms with it.

Baking Soda – Lime Juice Mixture for Body Odor

  • Lemon juice- from fresh lemon
  • Baking soda- enough to make paste
  • Before having bath, mix lemon juice with baking soda to make a paste.
  • Apply this paste to your underarms.
  • Leave for about 5-10 minutes. Wash off with water.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Body Odor

  • Pour undiluted apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball and rub your underarms with this before having shower. Wait for 2-3 minutes after applying ACV and then proceed to wash it off or to take bath.
  • Add a cup of apple cider vinegar in your bath and soak for 8-10 minutes. This also cures sunburns apart from killing body odor.
  • Add 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and have it three times a day before meals. If you can’t stand its taste or smell, you may add a little honey to this mixture. This is a good remedy to reduce your excessive sweating too.
  • If you suffer from foot odor, add 1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar in a foot soaking basin filled with warm water. Soak your feet in this water for 15 minutes. You can do it once every week.

Sage Herb to Kill Body Odor

  • Mix a couple of sage essential oil with some carrier oil like olive oil and apply this to your underarms and/ or pulse points.
  • Make sage herb tea for body wash. Add 2 tsp of this dried herb in ¼ liter of hot water and steep for about five 5 minutes. Use this warm water to rinse your underarms. Do not use for genital area. Always wash your hands after using sage herb. Never touch your face without washing hands after using this herb

Wheatgrass Juice Remedy for Body Odor

The chlorophyll present in wheatgrass is what makes it a good remedy for killing body odor.

  • Wheatgrass juice- 2 tbsp
  • Water- 1 cup
  • Add wheatgrass juice to water.
  • Mix well and have it on empty stomach in the morning.

Tomato Juice Bath for Body Odor

In Ayurveda, tomato juice is considered as the remedy for body odor. It recommends using tomato juice in bath water. However, many modern herbalists recommend having tomato juice internally too for getting rid of body odor. They recommend drinking tomato juice three times a day. Here is how you can use tomato juice for bath water.

  • Tomatoes- 8-10
  • Sieve
  • Water- 1 bucket
  • Crush the tomatoes to get their pulp
  • Using sieve, extract the juice out of tomato pulp.
  • Add this tomato juice to a bucket full of water.
  • Bathe with this water.
  • If you need more water for bath, increase the quantity of tomatoes.

Natural Deodorant for Body Odor

You should not use aluminum based deodorants to control body odor. Metals and chemicals can be absorbed by your body that may lead to various health problems. In place of chemical laden deodorants, make a natural deodorant at home using natural ingredients.

Ingredients :

  • Sage essential oil- 5 drops
  • Coriander essential oil- 5 drops
  • Lavender essential oil- 5 drops
  • Distilled witch hazel- 2 ounce (about 60 ml)

Add sage, coriander and lavender essential oil to witch hazel, Mix well and store it in spray bottle. Use it as your deodorant.


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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When we head back from work in case we are in no mood to cook we always want to grab a snack or something to cheer us up. Foods always makes us happy and eating something that we like or love will make us feel better. When we are tired,  not in a good mood or unhappy eating something that we love many times bring back the happiness. Some of these following foods are known to secrete serotonin a compound that makes us feel happy. Take a look..



Not only is it delish, dark chocolate is high in magnesium, a mineral that calms your muscles and reduces anxiety. It also contains tryptophan, which helps reduce symptoms of depression. Dark chocolate not only provides immediate eating pleasure, but it has a high percentage of cacaos, which has more antioxidant power than many other foods. Suggested serving is 2-4 small squares or an ounce a day.


Green Tea

Green tea is full of theanine, an antioxidant which acts as a calming agent. A Japanese study, conducted with more than 40,000 people, found that levels of psychological stress were 20% lower in people who drank five or more cups of green tea per day compared to those who drank less than one. The results held true even after other factors were accounted for, including age, sex, medical history, body mass index, alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, and diet. Reach for green tea as a beverage, or incorporate loose tea leaves or brewed green tea into cooking.



Blue berries, strawberry and all those berries. With blueberries considered a super food, these little round bites of sweetness are excellent at relieving angst. Rich in vitamins, phytonutrients and a variety of stress-reducing antioxidants, blueberries are the perfect snack to help activate happy messages in the brain.  Have blueberry yogurt once a while -the fruit at the bottom will uplift your spirits!



An ounce of walnuts has 4 grams of protein. Both walnuts and cashew are also a good source of magnesium and phosphorus: Having low levels of magnesium has been linked to increased risk of depression, while high levels of magnesium have been linked to reduced symptoms of depression. Walnuts also contain cell-protecting antioxidants and are low in carbohydrates, which mean they will not cause a spike in blood sugar and insulin.



One cup of kale or spinach is excellent sources of vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin K and magnesium and is good source of fiber. Spinach contains high concentrations of folate, a B-vitamin used in the serotonin creation process. Kale is also high in copper, a trace mineral that works to support many vital functions.



Coffee is practically a magic bean when it comes to mood lifting: The caffeine in coffee can boost mental focus and alertness and athletic performance. Coffee consumption may also protect against Type 2 diabetes and decrease the risk of depression. But the less you consume, the better it works.



The gut is one of the first indicators of health. In fact, most of the body’s serotonin (which is responsible for making you feel happy) is produced in the gut, not the brain. Consequently, the gut and the brain (and how you feel) are intrinsically linked. Try Indian dosa, Idli or even varieties of bread with a side dish that will help you to recover your mood.



Bananas are a neat way to put the zing back in your system. Full of energy, vitamin B6, tryptophan, iron, magnesium and potassium, plus being a natural probiotic, high in fiber, and a regulator of blood sugar, bananas are great snack too.  In fact, eating one banana as a mid-morning snack will fuel the body with enough magnesium (a stress-reducer) for the entire day!

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: September 23, 2015
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Green Tea

Green Tea

Green tea is full of theanine, an antioxidant which acts as a calming agent. A Japanese study, conducted with more than 40,000 people, found that levels of psychological stress were 20% lower in people who drank five or more cups of green tea per day compared to those who drank less than one. The results held true even after other factors were accounted for, including age, sex, medical history, body mass index, alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, and diet. Reach for green tea as a beverage, or incorporate loose tea leaves or brewed green tea into cooking.

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Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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