All posts by Sumana Rao

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Other food Adulterations

Other food adulterations

Iodized salt:

Salt: Iodized salt will be adulterated with plain salt.  Cut a potato piece and add iodized salt on the potato piece. Wait for few minutes and add lemon juice. If blue color develops then – it is iodized salt as the label claims. If not it is just plain salt.

Common salt:

Chalk powder: Dissolve salt in water and observe for color change. If chalk powder is present in the salt then it will settle down at bottom and also color of the water changes to light white.


Dried tendrils of maize: When put in water real saffron will not break easily and as long as it lasts saffron keeps releasing color.

Coconut oil:

With other edible oils: Place a bottle of coconut oil in refrigerator.  After sometime coconut oil freezes and other edible oil will separate without freezing.


Sugar water: Honey is often adulterated with water to increase the bottle’s quantity. The best way to ensure that is not the case, dip a cotton wick in pure honey and light it with a matchstick. If there is water in the jar it won’t allow the honey to burn.


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: December 15, 2015
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Tea and Coffee Adulteration

Tea and coffee adulteration

Tea Leaves:

Tea leaves are often adulterated with chemicals and additives that add to its aroma or flavor. But the most common kind is color. Take a filter paper and spread a few tea leaves on it. Sprinkle some water over the filter. If there is any color present in the leaves then it will stain the paper. Now wash the filter paper under tap water and carefully look for stains against the light.

Iron fillings: Hold magnet over tea powder and iron will attach to magnet

Coffee powder:

Iron fillings: Spread coffee powder on a paper and slowly move magnet on the powder -if there is iron contamination then iron powder sticks to magnet

Chicory: Eventhough chicory is considered as accepted adulterant, many countries does not allow chicory in coffee. Ground chicory when thrown on cold water sinks quickly, coloring the water, and is soon softened, whereas ground roasted coffee floats, imparting no color. Chicory is easily bleached by chlorinated soda (labarraque solution); coffee is but slowly affected by this bleaching agent.

Image from:

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Powder Adulteration

Flour and other powder adulteration

Wheat flour: Chalk powder, plaster of Paris, burnt bones, potato flour, maize and rice flour.

  • When you mix wheat flour in water chalk powder settles down.
  • The chapattis or rotis prepared from adulterated wheat flour tastes insipid.

Turmeric powder:

Colored saw dust – Add few drops of conc. HCl to one tsp of turmeric powder. If the pink color develops and disappears then it is not adulterated. If the color persists then turmeric powder is adulterated.

Chalk powder or yellow soap stone: Use effervescence test by adding HCl to turmeric water. Presence of bubbles indicates presence of chalk or soap stone.

Chilli powder:

Brick powder, salt or talc powder: Mix chilli powder in water and see the color change of water and also look for any sedimentation indicating the adulteration

Artificial color: Sprinkle chilli powder on glass of water and see whether there is color separation in water.

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Cereals, pulses and condiments adulteration

Cereals, pulses and condiments adulteration

Adulteration of cereals and pulses are very common and the visual test is the only solution for this problem. Be careful when you buy cereals and pulses – make sure there is no worms, visible dusts, flies, wood pieces etc.

Food grains: Marbles, stones, sand particles, clay particles, soil, husk, soap pieces, straw pieces, damaged grain, insects and insect eggs, rodent excreta.

Pulses: Kesari daal adulteration with yellow color,  saw dust, husk, stones in all pulses.

Black mustard seed: Adding argemon seedss which is dangerous for health and it caused epidemic dropsy.

Wheat and bajra: Ergot fungus which appears like grain that floats when put in water and datura seeds that are highly poisonous. Datura seeds are flat with blacking brown color in the edges.

Black pepper: Papaya seeds mix and light black pepper seeds that are quality rejected. Put few seeds of black pepper in alcohol. Papaya and light seeds will float and heavy black pepper seeds will settle down at bottom.

White rice: Plastic rice adulteration: Recently in Kerala plastic rice is detected in white rice. According to recent reports the rice that are coming from China is made by mixing potatoes, sweet potatoes and plastic. The rice stays hard even after being cooked and the soup forms a plastic sheath on its layer. This sheath while after drying burns like plastic.

Peanuts: small stones and pebbles

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Jaggery Adulteration

Sugar and jaggery adulteration

Sugar adulteration is common especially when the prices of jaggery and sugar goes up. Common adulteration materials for sugar are: chalk powder and urea.

How do you find out?

Chalkpowder: Dissolve 10 grams of sugar in water and allow it to settle down for 15 minutes. Chalk will settle down at bottom of the cup.

Urea: Dissolve sugar in water and smell it. If it gives ammonia odor then sugar contains urea.

Washing soda in jaggery: Add few drops of HCl to jaggery and if effervescence appears then it indicates presence of soda.

Metanil yellow color in jaggery: Take 1/4 tsp of jaggery, add 3 ml of ethyl alcohol and shake it. To this slowly add 10 ml of HCl.  A pink color appears indicating presence of adulteration of metanil in jaggery.

Image: Food Security officials inspecting a jaggery unit at Omalur in Salem district,

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Ghee Adulteration

Ghee adulteration

Ghee is clarified butter which people use for day to day cooking – for making sweets, medicines, offerings etc. Even ghee is no exception  for adulteration.

How do you find out?

Vanaspathi & margarine: Take 2 ml of melted ghee and slowly from inside of the test tube add 2 ml of conc. Hydrochloric acid. Add pinch of sugar. Shake and keep it for few minutes. A crimson color at the bottom of the mix indicates vanaspathi or margarine is mixed with ghee!

Potato, starch : Add few drops of iodine to melted ghee. If any of potato or other starch materials mixed with ghee, the mix will turn to blue.

Vegetable oil mixing: Ghee is an animal fat with cholesterol and all other oils that are plant based contains sterols. The Baoudoin test helps to detect oil mixing in ghee. Add few drops of **Hydrochloric acid and freshly distilled 2% furfural in 95% ethyl alcohol. The development of pink color in the mix indicates presence of sesame oil.

** Be careful while handling Hydrochloric acid as it is dangerous. You can take milk sample to local colleges and labs seeking their help for this test.


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Milk Adulteration

Milk adulteration

Adulterant: Water, Starch, Urea, synthetic milk, vanaspathi, detergent, formalin

How do you find out?

Water: Run a drop of milk on a slope surface. Water added milk will run fast on the slope not leaving white mark behind. Whereas pure milk runs slowly leaving white thread mark behind

Starch: Add few drops of iodine or tincture to milk, if milk changes to blue color starch is added.

Urea: Add 1/2 teaspoon of soybean powder to milk in a test tube and mix it. After 5 minutes, dip a litmus paper in the mix. If the color changes from red to blue then the milk is adulterated with urea.

Formalin: Take 10 ml of milk and slowly from the inner side of the test tube add 5 ml of conc. Sulphuric acid**. If a blue ring forms in the center of the intersection of two liquids then there is formalin adulteration.

** Be careful while handling sulphuric acid as it is dangerous. You can  take milk sample to local colleges and labs seeking help for this test.


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Holy Tulsi Plant and its Medical Power

Tulsi plant is the most worshipped plant in the world. In India Tulsi plant will be present in almost every house.  Tulsi is worshipped by women and the place where the main Tulsi plant grows is known as Brindavan.  Tulsi plant has many medicinal properties and cures many conditions. The plant is sensitive to cold and very high temperature. It needs lots of Sun light and likes clean water condition to grow.

Here are some uses of Tulsi plants.

  • Daily consumption of few drops Tulsi leaves juice increases red blood cells.
  • Applying Tulsi juice and turmeric powder mix helps to reduce skin allergy.
  • Drinking mixture of Tulsi and lemon juice reduces conditions related to urinary tract
  • To reduce cough chew 4-5 leaves of Tulsi everyday.
  • For tooth ache chew few leaves of Tulsi and tooth ache will reduce.
  • Growing Tulsi plants around not only brings fresh, good air but also reduces mosquitoes.
  • Tulsi is a immune booster. Pluck a few Tulsi leaves, rinse them well and chew these leaves to boost your body’s immunity power.
  • Mix Tulsi juice, ginger powder with honey to get rid of dry cough and cold.
  • Applying Tulsi leaves juice to scalp reduces dandruff.
  • Consuming equal amount of Tualsi leaves juice, onion juice and pepper powder reduces pile condition.
  • To remove bad breath chew Tulsi leaves.
  • If anyone is suffering from stomach infections, digestion problems and constipation, drinking Tulsi juice on an empty stomach helps to reduce the problem.
  • If you are suffering from headache mix Tulsi juice with cardamom powder and apply behind ears and on forehead.
  • Tulsi has germicidal, fungicidal and anti- bacterial properties. In ayurveda, it is advised that a person suffering from fever should have a decoction made of tulsi leaves.
  • The essential oils present in Tulsi leaves helps in diabetic condition by increasing sensitivity of insulin.
  • Eugenol helps the blood pressure to be under control and lowers cholesterol content.
  • Tulsi helps to maintain the balance of stress hormone and controls the anxiety.
  • Tulsi is a great diuretic and detoxifier and helps in reducing the uric acid that forms kidney stones.
  • Recent studies says that Tulsi helps in quitting smoking habit by lowering the stress and make a person to urge quit smoking.


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: December 11, 2015
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