Don't worry about the people in your past; There's a reason they didn't make it to your future.
Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) is one of the important natural resources of the mountainous regions of China and Russia. These plants are widely cultivated in these regions to control soil erosion. Apart from this fruits and plants have many benefits. The plant is primarily valued for its golden-orange fruits, which provides many nutrients.
There are five areas of research that have been focal points for their use: as an aid to patients undergoing cancer therapy
Sea buckthorn has been shown to have a potent antioxidant activity, mainly attributed to its flavonoids and vitamin C content .Both the flavonoids and the oils from sea buckthorn have several potential applications.
There are five areas of research that have been focal points for their use: as an aid to patients undergoing cancer therapy; a long-term therapy for reduction of cardiovascular risk factors; treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers; internal and topical therapy for a variety of skin disorders; and as a liver protective agent (for chemical toxins) and a remedy for liver cirrhosis.
They are rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, and other nutrients, flavonoids, oils rich in essential fatty acids, and other healthful components.
The leaves are now also being used for making a beverage tea; they additional contain triterpenes.
Plant has good amount of palmitoleic acid and it is considered as a valuable topical agent in treating burns and healing wounds.
Spanish lime or Melicoccus bijugatus, is a fruit-bearing tree in the soapberry family Sapindaceae. It is native to northern South America and naturalized in coastal and dry forest in Central America, the Caribbean and parts of the Old World tropics. The fruit, somewhat like a cross between a lychee and a lime, has a tight and thin, but rigid layer of skin, traditionally opened by biting into with the teeth.
These fruits may contribute to their therapeutic uses, especially for gastrointestinal problems.
Spanish lime is eaten fresh by popping the fruit out of the peel and chewing the juicy pulp off the seed.
One can make juice, jam, jelly, and a liquor called “bilí”.
The seeds are reportedly edible, but are very astringent.
These fascinating fruit trees are easy to spot in Hawaii and belong to Hawaiian islands. These are dioecious trees with male and female plants are separate. It means the fruit of the puhala or hala tree only grows on the female tree. It can be eaten when it turned brought yellow. It was used throughout Polynesia as a food during times of famine. The round fruit is a cluster of seed pods. As it ripens, the fruit breaks apart into single seeds called keys. A new hala tree will from these seeds. Fruits can be eaten raw or cooked.
Every part of hala tree is useful.
The leaves are used often in weaving.
The male flowers are fragrant and the pollen is thought to be an aphrodisiac.sprout
The ariel roots are very phallic in appearance. They are an alterative, used as a blood cleanser.
They are also diaphoretic and diuretic.
The large female “cone” fruit are used to tonify chi. They are adaptogenic and can be used for low energy, sluggish digestion, hangovers, etc.
The medicine of this tree is said to strengthen mind and spirit.
Sugar palm or toddy palm is the name of Borassus flabellifer. The sweet sap of the Palmyra tree is called Toddy and is used in preparation of Palm jaggery. This plam tree exists in tropical countries. Fruits somewhat resemble coconut. The pulp is tender and the husk is fibrous similar to that in Coconut. The fruit has a black husk and is 4 to 7 inches in diameter. It is borne in clusters. The top portion of the fruit is cut off to reveal the three sweet jelly seed sockets. During early summer, they are sold in markets and for a limited period of time.
Almost every part of the tree is useful to humankind.
The sap is fermented to make Arrack which is an alcoholic beverage.
The tender fruit pulp is eaten raw during summer because it gives a cooling effect to the body
Marang is a close relative of jackfruit, cempedak and breadfruit trees. These fruits are rich source of energy and contains lots of carbohydrates eventually broken into glucose. They are mainly cultivated for its fruit in Indonesia, Malaysia Philippines, and southern Thailand. The short shelf-life of the fruit limits its wider use. Although it shares some features of the breadfruit, it does not have the same tolerance capacity and the tree is not cold tolerant. When the fruit is ripe and opened, it should be consumed as soon as possible because it oxidizes quite fast and loses its flavor.
Packed with protein and fat, it is also known as athlete’s fruit and are very much compatible to the banana.
Fruits are rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, ash, calcium, phosphorous, iron, crude fiber, retinol, beta-carotene, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, Vitamin A and C.
These fruits known to calms the symptoms of an irritable bowel and can also relieve or prevent constipation.
Apart from the pulp the seeds could be boiled or roasted and are quite edible too.
Mangosteen, is a tropical evergreen tree believed to have originated in the Sunda Islands and the Moluccas of Indonesia. It grows mainly in Southeast Asia, southwest India and other tropical areas such as Puerto Rico and Florida. Due to restrictions on imports, mangosteen is not readily available in certain countries.
“Mangosteen… is able to reverse most of the ailments of modern man.” Kenneth J. Finsand
These fruits are is rich in water, energy, protein, carbohydrate and fiber. Essential nutrients such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper and manganese are found in this fruit. It contains vitamin C, B6, B12.
Various parts of the plant have a history of use in traditional medicine, mostly in Southeast Asia; it may have been used to treat skin infections, wounds, dysentery, and urinary tract infections.
Studies shows that these fruits are also helpful in preventing and possibly even stopping a wide range of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer and other chronic diseases.
Image credit: Image by taboty from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)
Durian fruit is delicious, soft, succulent and very popular for its unique characteristics. The exotic durian is native to Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysian rain forests. Durian fruit is distinctive for its large size, unique odor, and formidable thorn-covered husk. It can reach up to 30 cm (12 in) long and 15 cm (6 in) in diameter, and typically weighs one to four kilograms (two to seven lb). Pulps of these fruits can be yellow or red. Though it contains a relatively higher amounts of fats among the fruits, it is free from saturated fats and cholesterol.
Durian is widely revered as the “King of Fruits” in the South-East Asian countries.
It is high in energy, minerals and vitamins. 100 g fresh fruit carries 147 calories. The fruit is made of soft, easily digestible flesh made of simple sugars like fructose and sucrose .
Durian is rich in dietary fiber, which makes it a good bulk laxative.
The durian fruit is a good source of antioxidant vitamin-C
It is an excellent source of niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine and thiamin.
Further, it also contains a good amount of minerals like manganese, copper, iron and magnesium..
Fresh durian fruit is a very rich source of potassium.
Additionally, it also contains high levels of essential amino acid.
For most people it is impossible to run a day without a microwave, cell phone , lap tops or similar gadgets. We are in an era where we seem cannot wait to communicate and we are always in a rush to respond to coworkers, boss, family, friends and others. Well, what most people don’t realize, is that all of these electronic devices are known to emit waves of Electromagnetic field or radiation.
With the increase in number of mobile/ cell phone uses, wireless internet and other devices including the smart grid there is a growing concern about the Electro Magnetic Field’s effect on humans’ health. Lot of studies has been undertaken to understand the effect of EMF on humans and animals.
Reducing the efficacy of certain drugs (such as Tamoxifen, which is used to treat breast cancer)
Radiation damage
Long-term DNA fragmentation
People try to convince others that it is a hoax. Question is – is it really a hoax? Unfortunately, no it is not a hoax. Research is overwhelmingly proving that Electromagnetic Radiation emitted from laptop computers, cell phones, and other high-tech devices can be very harmful.
According to Dr. Johansson, Professor at the renowned Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden- exposure to EMFs, which are created by electronic devices, has long-term cumulative effects that go as far as changing our very DNA. An engineer namely Jeromy Johnson, a former Silicon Valley tech employee with a master’s degree in engineering who, himself, began to feel negative impacts from his exposure to wireless radiation. There are hundreds of thousands of people have reported mild to severe symptoms from exposure to EMF sources.
Jeromy’s wife is a medical doctor and both are hardly a duo of conspiracy-inclined paranoiacs. The wakeup call about EMF has come from Jeromy at a time of blanketing the cities with wi-fi in various cities of the world.
How to stay away from EMF?
Avoiding the effects of Electromagnetic Radiation is not easy, as the devices that emit it are virtually everywhere and practically inescapable. There are a couple of important steps one can take into consideration to avoid EMF.
Instead of microwave -use a traditional toaster oven – Advantage of this is also improved taste of food. While microwave heats the food, we tend to lose the taste. Whereas, traditional oven helps to retain the taste.
To reduce the effect of EMF, Professor Johansson suggesting to make some major societal changes, like only letting children under the age of 16 use cell phones for emergency calls. The reason is studies show that children are more vulnerable for the EMF effect.
If you are a laptop user then keep laptop away from your body as much as possible. If not, use laptop defender pad that shields the body from harmful radiations. Use clear shield and cover the laptop screen.
Try to reduce the power to the source.
Increase the distance between the EMF source and the body. For example, when you talk over the phone- use hand -free set whenever it is possible. Always use a shield or cover over the phone to reduce its contact with your body. Or use a packet purse to keep your phone.
Whether you want it or not- EMF is there and it is growing like a invisible plague, doing the damage to both humans and the surrounding environment. Most people ignore this effect. Educate yourself and help others to understand this serious matter.