All posts by Sumana Rao

Don't worry about the people in your past; There's a reason they didn't make it to your future.
How to take charge of your life with a verbally aggressive person?

How to take charge of your life with a verbally aggressive person?

All of us will encounter people who are verbally aggressive, intimidating, controlling freak who take over our conversations or try to overpower us. They may be known to us and will be present everywhere – work, home, friends, public places, events etc.  People who have more empathy and soft natured find it difficult to handle these aggressive people and will move away from the person. Instead of moving away from a person understand and react in such a way so that you will handle more such people smartly and will not cut off the relationship. How that is possible? It is possible by reducing personalization; we can be less reactive and focus our energy on problem solving. With astute approach and good communication, an aggressive person can become more cooperative and less aggressive.

What are the common behaviors of aggressive person?

1) Control freak

2) Demanding

3) Need too much attention and praise

4) Anger

5) Pushing your buttons, pull your strings

6) Throw you out of your balance

7) Unnecessary arguments over small things or for no reasons

8) Abusive, yelling and shouting

9) Helpful but seek all the credit for the little work they do

10) Too much of intimidating.

How to handle such people?

Depending on the circumstances and situation, learn to handle these kinds of people in private or public.

1. Maintain composure and stay calm:

To use your better judgment stay calm and breath in and out. Instead of responding to harsh words take a deep breath and count slowly one to ten.  Many times, by the time you reach 10 you would have regained your composure and it clears your mind.  Instead of giving yourself to anger, you will respond to the person in a calm and composure mood. Maintain self-control and say, “I will get back to you later” or say, “You are very angry right now and you’re saying things you don’t mean. I am going to excuse myself. We can talk again after you calm down.” This helps to keep your tension low.

2. Maintain a distance and keep your options:

If it is not worth tussling with an individual then maintain a distance. Your happiness and well-being is important. If the person is negatively entrenched, do not try to engulf yourself in an argument or anger. Keep a healthy distance unless you are sure and feel that it is important that you have to get involved. Aggression to you may just be a panic attack for them that have put them in fight or flight mode. If you feel that you are stuck in the situation, seek help from trustworthy friends and family members.  Keep your options in mind and be ready to take a good decision.

3. Choose not to take it personally:

Aggressive people often hurt you by hurtful words. Do not take it to heart and make it personal.  You have an option how you respond and if you feel that it is not worth to listen to their hurtful words take it in one ear and leave it through another.  Do not allow words to go through your system and there is absolutely no need to be sad. It does not make you feel better and things will only worsen.  Practice de-personalizing the words of aggressive person by putting yourself in their shoes for a moment.  They might have not had an easy upbringing, difficult job, controlling partner, chronic pains or sickness.  Attempt to understand the meaning of the aggressive behavior. This does not mean that, (your) empathetic statements do not excuse unacceptable behavior. The point is to remind you that sometime people do what they do because of their own issues.

4. You have the right to be treated well and with respect:

Understand your rights and demand respect. Do not harm the person but express yourself with your feelings, opinions, and priorities.  Say no to the person without any guilty. If your opinion is different express it.  Everybody is different in this world – you may be born very different and it is okay.  If you are threatened physically, mentally then you have the right to question. Your happiness is important to lead healthy life.  Do not allow aggressive people to take advantage of your situations and good mind. Offender is not charge of your life, you are charge of your life.

5. Give them center stage but reclaim your power:

Often controlling people want more attention. They always complain. They will not focus on solving the problem.  Do not react to comments by being defensive.  Instead, ask direct question and have simple conversation with person. Your focus should be on solving the problem. Ask the aggressive person for a suggestion to fix the problem or offer your own solution.  If they still disrespect, you tell them, if they do not change the attitude, you will not talk to the person.  This will make other person think a bit and will back away.  If still the complain continues, change the topic and take charge of communication.

6. Do not allow person to violate your boundaries:

In a serious situation if the person is violating the respect and is trying to intimidate more, put your foot down and say it.  Do not show your anger, breath in and breath out before responding or count one to ten. Then say with calmness and composure that the person is crossing the limits. You should also set boundaries for the person -it requires you to assertively express how someone else’s verbal abuse makes you feel and that you don’t want to be treated in this manner.

7. Humor and smile:

Smile is a powerful tool.  In mild situations smile and react. Your ability to add humor to the situation with aggressive person in it, is the best tool that you have. This will break the ice. It only shows that you are calm and have superior composure.  This will help to reduce the tension.

8. Ask them do they need help:

If the anger and aggressiveness is going out of proportion, suggest them to seek help when they are in a better mood. Many website, experts and text lines will help in emotional situations.  Talk to the person about their behavior and aggressiveness that is making the people to move away in social life.  Often talking, discussing and seeking expert suggestion helps the person to be better.

Dealing with someone’s aggressiveness and hurtful words is really can be taxing.  The key to responding to verbal abuse is learning how to break free of the control and get your power back. Try to find a solution to keep yourself happy. Remember offender is not charge of your life, you are charge of your life. 



Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: May 31, 2016
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For Parents - Food Allergies In Children

For Parents: Food Allergies In Kids

An allergy is a heightened sensitivity to a foreign substance (called an allergen) that causes the body’s defense system (the immune system) to overreact when defending itself. The most common allergies that can happen to children are:

  • Outdoors: tree pollen, plant pollen, insect bites or stings
  • Indoors: pet or animal hair or fur, dust mites, mold
  • Irritants: cigarette smoke, perfume, car exhaust
  • Foods: peanuts, eggs, milk and milk products, soy, wheat, tree nuts (such as walnuts and cashews), fish, shellfish (such as shrimp).

A child can develop allergies when a child is not with his or her parents. Parents need to make sure that their child’s school, day care or other program has a written emergency action plan with instructions on preventing, recognizing and managing allergies in class and during activities such as sporting events and field trips. If your child has been prescribed an auto-injector, be sure that you and those responsible for supervising your child understand how to use it.

Next few slides will talk about most common food allergies in children.

For more information visit:

Egg Allergy: Click here to know about the allergy

Egg Allergy

Peanuts Allergy: Click here to know about the allergy

Peanuts Allergy

Milk Allergy: Click here to know about the allergy

Milk Allergy

Soy Allergy: Click here to know about the allergy

Soy Allergy

Wheat Allergy: Click here to know about the allergy

Wheat Allergy

Fish Allergy: Click here to know about the allergy

Fish Allergy

Shell Fish Allergy: Click here to know about the allergy

Shell Fish Allergy



Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: May 26, 2016
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Egg Allergy

Egg Allergy

Eggs are one of the most common food allergens. People with an allergy to chicken eggs may also be allergic to other types of eggs, such as goose, duck, turkey or quail. Egg allergy develops when the body’s immune system becomes sensitized and overreacts to proteins in egg whites or yolks. When eggs are eaten, the body sees the protein as a foreign invader and sends out chemicals to defend against it. Those chemicals cause the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

Egg Allergy Symptoms:

  • Skin reactions, such as swelling, a rash, hives or eczema
  • Wheezing or difficulty breathing
  • Runny nose and sneezingRed or watery eyes
  • Stomach pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
  • Anaphylaxis (less common)

Management: Avoid eating eggs, Read food labels; use alternatives to eggs in recipes. Inform your health care providers about your egg allergy; some flu vaccines and the yellow fever vaccine contain egg protein in varying amounts. Many recipes can be modified to avoid the need for eggs. When recipes call for three or fewer eggs, substitute each egg with a mixture of 1 tablespoons of water, 1 tablespoons of oil and 1 teaspoon of baking powder. Alternative substitutes are 1 packet of unflavored gelatin dissolved in 2 tablespoons of warm water (mixed when ready to use), or 1 teaspoon of yeast dissolved in cup of warm water.

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Peanuts Allergy

Peanuts Allergy

Peanut allergy develops when the body’s immune system has an abnormal, hypersensitivity response to one or more of the peanut proteins. Peanuts can cause a severe, potentially fatal, allergic reaction. Casual contact with peanuts, such as touching peanuts or peanut butter residue, is less likely to trigger a severe reaction. Casual contact becomes a concern if the area that comes into contact with peanuts then comes into contact with the eyes, nose or mouth (for example, a child with peanut allergy gets peanut butter on her fingers, and then rubs her eyes). Food particles containing peanut proteins can become airborne during the grinding or pulverization, and inhaling peanut protein in this type of situation could cause an allergic reaction. In addition, odors may cause conditioned physical responses, such as a skin rash or a change in blood pressure.

Peanut Allergy Symptoms:

  • respiratory system (difficulty breathing, coughing, wheezing),
  • gastrointestinal system (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea),
  • cardiovascular system (increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure),
  • neurological system (lightheadedness, passing out),

Peanut  Allergy Management and Treatment

  • Avoid peanut and peanut-derived products.
  • Administer epinephrine (adrenaline) to counter a severe reaction.
  • Always check food labels, even for products you know, as ingredients can change.
  • All individuals with a peanut allergy should have an emergency action plan outlining the treatment plan for an acute reaction. Since epinephrine injection is the only treatment for a significant allergic reaction, all individuals with a peanut allergy should carry an epinephrine auto-injector at all times.

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Milk Allergy

Milk Allergy

Between 2 and 3 percent of children younger than 3 are allergic to milk. Although experts once believed that the vast majority of them would outgrow this allergy by the time they turned 3, recent studies contradict this theory. There are two main types of milk protein — casein and whey. Casein, the “solid” part of milk, comprises about 80 percent of milk protein. Whey proteins, found in the liquid part of milk, make up the other 20 percent. Within a short period of time after consuming milk or a milk protein, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • Hives
  • Stomach upset
  • Vomiting
  • Bloody stools, especially in infants
  • Anaphylaxis


Research suggests that some types of milk proteins (casein and two proteins found in whey, alpha-lactalbumin and beta-lactalbumin) are more likely to cause serious reactions. A newer type of blood test, known as a component test, can help the allergist determine your risk for a serious reaction by looking for allergies to those specific proteins. Another test your allergist may order is an oral food challenge.

Management and Treatment:

Avoidance of milk or items containing milk products is the only way to manage a milk allergy. People who are allergic to milk and the parents of children who have this allergy must read ingredient labels very carefully. Most recipes calling for milk can be just as successful by substituting the equivalent in water, juice, or soy or rice milk.

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Cosmetics Facts

Cosmetics Facts

Do you use make up to enhance your appearance & beauty or are you fond of cosmetics?  See some cosmetic facts in next few slides.

  • Do you know? In what country did nail polish originate?

Answer: China . Although the ancient Egyptians stained their nails with henna, it was the Chinese who developed actual nail lacquers made from gum arabic, beeswax, egg white and colored powders. The earliest traces of nail lacquer are dated to 3000 BC.

  • During the Elizabethan era, coal tar was used for cosmetic purposes. What was it commonly used for?

Answer: Eye liner. Coal tar was used for many years as eye liner, mascara and eyebrow pencil. Aside from smelling very badly, coal tar causes blindness and is flammable.

  • Pigment refers to -Color, Powder, Acne or Make up ?

Answer: The term “pigment” refers to color. Medically speaking, pigment is a substance that gives color to tissue and is also responsible for the color of the skin, eyes, and hair. Cosmetically speaking, pigments are substances that give color to makeup and nail polish.

Question: Is it true? Using mascara the wrong way

Cosmetics Facts: Eye Infections

Yes or No? Use hair dyes on your eyebrows and eyelashes

Cosmetics Facts: Eyebrows & Eyelashes

True or False? Use of Permanent Tattoos

Cosmetics Facts: Effect of Tattoos

Is this true? “Cruelty free” means that no animal testing was done

Cosmetics Facts: Cruelty Free Products

Is this true? “Hypoallergenic” labelled may contain substances that can cause allergic reactions

Cosmetics Facts: Hypoallergenic Products

Do you know? What are the purposes of facial toner?

Cosmetics Facts: Wash Your Face With Water

True or false? It’s OK to sleep in your eye makeup

Cosmetics Facts: How to use Mascara

Question: Which of the following may attract sun’s UV rays to your lips?

Cosmetics Facts: Lip Stick & Nail Polish

Sources: Nutrition and cosmetics quiz and research

Images: Google images

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: May 20, 2016
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Chikkoo or sapota (sapodilla, Manilkara zapota) are sweet and tasty fruits with unique musky flavor. This fruit has its origin in Central America particularly in Mexico and Brazil. It is a popular fruit in India and other Asian countries. Fruits are oval shaped berry with brown skin. Young fruits have hard surface and white pulp with white sticky latex. Ripened fruits will have brown color flesh, which is slightly grainy and will contain black shiny seeds. Surface skin is easy to peel and fruit is very tasty. Certain varieties of sapota have reddish color flesh.

Sapota is also known as sapodilla is rich in calories and its sweet flavor can be attributed to the presence of simple sugars like fructose and sucrose that replenish energy and revitalize the body. This fruit has amazing health benefits.

1. Digestion : Chikkoo is rich in dietary fibre, may be used as a good natural laxative. Both the flesh and peel of this fruit can be easily eaten and digested by human beings.

2. Anti inflammatory : The anti-inflammatory properties of tannins present in Chikoo reduce the chances of erosive gastritis, enteritis, irritating bowel and gastric disorders.

3. Colon health: It protects the inner lining of the mucous membrane of colon from carcinogenic toxins.

4. Nutrient source: It contains minerals such as potassium, copper, iron, folate, niacin, and pantothenic acid which are good for many metabolic body activities. It also containsvitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin B complex. These vitamins and antioxidants boost immunity of the body and also good for hair and skin.

5. Fruits of sapota has a very high amount of glucose in it. One single chikkoo fruit can replenish all our body’s sugars in matter of few minutes. It is good for pregnant women and growing children who need extra energy.

6. Cardiac health: Vitamin E in Chikkoo has a chemical compound alpha-tocopherol that might reduce the risk of developing heart diseases.

7. For skin health: Vitamin C present in the fruit helps to improve your immunity and also protect you from gout and cataracts. Vitamin C, also good to provide shining skin. The Vitamin E in this fruit moisturizes your skin, thus giving you healthy and beautiful skin. Hence, eating sapota fruit is good for the skin.

8. Anti aging fruit: Therefore, it acts as an anti-ageing agent by eradicating free radicals in the body which are responsible for enhancing the ageing process. It is also effective in reducing wrinkles.

9. Control indigestion in children: Boiled Semi-liquid of these fruits skin may be given to children to control loose motion.

10. Helps in congestion and cough: Sapota known to reduce cough and congestion and it is a good expectorant removal.

11. Diuretic in nature Helps in urination process and prevents water retention in the body.

12. Control of nausea :During pregnancy iIt helps in overcoming nausea and dizziness.

13. Seeds benefit:

• According to traditional method chikkoo seeds crushed and eaten, helps in removal of kidney and bladder stones because of its diuretic in nature.

• The seed kernel oil of sapota is used as a skin ointment. The residue of this seed, after the extraction of oil, can be applied as a poultice on painful skin afflictions.

14. White latex: The latex of sapota plant can be used to remove warts and fungal growth on the skin.

15. Anxiety control: Chikkoo has the capacity to calm nerves and also to help reduce stress. People who are prone to anxiety should have this fruit as to reduce anxiety and stress levels.

16. Good for bones: One main health benefit of sapota is that it is rich in calcium. This extra calcium helps to strengthen bones. Women who are prone to osteoporosis should have more .

17. Good for vision: Presence of vitamin A in chikkoo helps in improving vision.

18. Dishes: Fruits can be used to prepare smoothie, ice-cream, juice, jam, halwa (sweet dish) etc.

Caution: People who have diabetes should consult their physician regarding whether they can consume sapota fruit.


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: May 17, 2016
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Yummy Salads - Salad World

Salad World – Salad Recipes

Salads are powerhouse of antioxidants. If you include salads in your daily food intake, then you will sure get benefits of antioxidants and several other vitamins – K, C, A etc and minerals too.  Eating salads is a super-convenient way to work in a couple of servings of vegetables and/or fruits.  There are hundreds of varieties of salads recipes are available. Salads are cool, crunchy, and fun to eat. One should eat salad for the benefit of getting fiber, nutrients from both vegetables and fruits and for keeping good health conditions. Research studies have shown that there is a link between eating fruits, vegetables and good health conditions. Eat salad for other two reasons – to get good fat and to cut calories. Salad is a way to eat many fruits, vegetables in an interesting way.

(Also see:

Image credit:,,,,, (Free for commercial use) CC by 2.0),

Corn Salad : Click to read the recipe

Corn Salad

Chickpea Salad : Click to read the recipe

Chickpea Salad

Potato-Pea Salad: Click to read the recipe

Potato-Pea Salad

Feta and Kalamata Olive Torellini Pasta Salad: Click to read the recipe

Feta and Kalamata Olive Torellini Pasta Salad

Butternut Squash, Lentil & Kale Salad: Click to read the recipe

Lentil Kale Salad

Mango & Black Bean Salad: Click to read the recipe

Mango Bean

Cashew Cabbage Salad: Click to read the recipe

Cashew Cabbage Salad


  4. Images: Google

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: May 13, 2016
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