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To increase the blood flow to brain and to promote reversed blood flow that energizes mental status one must practice handstand. This is intermediate pose that needs supervision while practicing. Handstand boosts confidence and increases focusing capacity of mind. The benefit of doing handstand to body is- stretching abdomen, strengthening arms, shoulder and wrists. It is important to continue breathing while performing this pose and to stabilize spine movement. Stretching wrists throughout handstand inversion helps body to protect head in case we fall while doing the pose. It not only increases blood flow to brain, also activates neck, aids in tissue regeneration. –
Begin in Downward-Facing Dog with your hands
shoulder-distance apart. Spread your fingers wide and press your palms firmly
into the ground.
Walk your feet in, toward your head, until your
hips are aligned over your shoulders.
Fix your gaze at one spot in between your hands.
Draw your shoulders upward, toward your tailbone.
Lift your right leg to the sky and flex your
foot. Press firmly through the heel to keep this leg active. Then bend your
left knee slightly, press into the ball of the left foot, and push off the
floor to lift your left leg toward the sky.
Continue pushing down through the palms and
extending through the heels of your feet. Engage your abdominals to keep your
hips aligned over your shoulders.
Balance in the pose for several breaths. Exhale
and lower the legs one at a time. When practicing Handstand, alternate which
leg you lift first.
Practice against an open wall for support. Place your hands
about 4 inches away from the wall. Then follow the steps above, but kick the
legs up toward the wall, until you can balance with legs extended straight up.
Practice hopping into a handstand before you try to balance
in the pose. Extend your right leg toward the sky. Bend your left knee and,
pressing through the ball of the left foot, kick the left leg off the floor,
springing both legs toward the sky.
Wrap a yoga strap around your upper arms to keep them strong
and engaged.
Mountain pose (Tadasana)
Dolphin Plank pose (Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Forearm Stand (Pincha Mayurasana)
Child’s Pose (Balasana)
Rotate your upper arms outward.
Keep your gaze focused at one point to balance.
Draw your belly toward your spine.
Reach your tailbone toward your heels.
Keep your shoulder blades lifted as you come out
of the pose.
Lift your head and face the floor.
Advanced practitioners, who are very comfortable in
Handstand, may move into Scorpion Handstand (Vrschikasana).
Overarching the spine
Shoulders collapsing
This article and image published here with prior permission from