HealthyLife is a part of, an all India – centric website ( and is solely owned and operated by It is a Indian nutritional portal providing educational articles.This nutritional port was launched on February 5th, 2015.
All but one of these foods are good sources of potassium. Which one is not?
Dry beans
Rye bread
The answer is:
Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: February 27, 2018
Looking for an activity that increases brain power? To rejuvenate nervous system and the brain Ardha sirsasana helps. It is an advanced pose with many health benefits.
Apart from increasing brain activity, it helps in increasing lungs capacity to fight against cough, cold, asthma.
Blood circulation to legs improves, edema and fluid buildup in legs decreases. Metabolic rate stabilizes and helps to cure depression, anxiety and reduces stress.
More benefits we get by performing this pose – overall function of various organs and boosts confidence of a person and makes personality more attractive.
Perform this pose under supervision till you get hang of it – Healthy Life.
Advanced, Intermediate
Abs, Arms, Heart, Shoulders, Spine
Pose Type
Ardha Sirsasana (ard-HA shear-SHAHS-anah) ardha = half sirsa = head
Improves cardiac output; lowers heart rate and blood pressure
Strengthens the shoulders
Improves spinal strength and alignment
Spine pathologies
Shoulder pathologies
Heart conditions
Come into in a tabletop position. Bring your forearms down onto the mat. Keeping the elbows parallel to one another, join the hands and interlace the fingers.
Place the top of your crown onto the floor between the hands, and cup the palms behind the back of the head.
Inhale and lift your knees off the mat. Walk your feet toward the elbows into an inverted “V” shape. Allow the weight of your body to shift into the shoulders and forearms. Be cautious to not put excess weight on your head or neck.
Exhale and firm your abdominals. Lift your feet off the floor and draw them up toward the ceiling. Stack the arches of your feet over the center of the pelvis, and the pelvis over the crown.
Slowly begin to shift your hips back until they align with the back of your skull; and simultaneously lower your legs until they are parallel with the floor, making an inverted “L” shape. Flex the feet.
Hold this pose for five to 10 slow breaths.
To exit L Stand pose, on your exhale, draw the abdominals in for support and slowly lower your feet down onto the mat. Then relax into Balasana (Child’s pose).
Practice against a wall for support.
Place a towel under the crown of your head for support.
Walk the knees close to the chest and lift the hips to practice.