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Researcher creates cell lines to help treat mitochondrial diseases in children

Ultra-processed food linked to higher risk of IBD

Eating whole grains linked to smaller increases in waist size, blood pressure, blood sugar

Combining plant-based diet and healthy microbiome may protect against multiple sclerosis

A fermented-food diet increases microbiome diversity and lowers inflammation, study finds

When taste and healthfulness compete, taste has a hidden advantage

Impulsiveness tied to faster eating in children, can lead to obesity

Lab analysis finds near-meat and meat not nutritionally equivalent

More filling? Tastes great? How flies, and maybe people, choose their food

The sense of smell in older adults declines when it comes to meat, but not vanilla, researchers find

Consuming a diet with more fish fats, less vegetable oils can reduce migraine headaches, study finds

Eating disorder behaviors alter reward response in brain

The Southern diet - fried foods and sugary drinks - may raise risk of sudden cardiac death

A promising new pathway to treating type 2 diabetes

Researchers find health benefits of Connecticut-grown sugar kelp

Serving larger portions of veggies may increase young kids' veggie consumption

Potato and rice protein shakes may be a viable vegan alternative to whey protein shakes, research suggests

Starting the day off with chocolate could have unexpected benefits

'Multi-kingdom dialogue' between internal, external microbiota

Dieting and its effect on the gut microbiome

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