5 good ways to keep exercise in our life

5 good ways to keep exercise in our life

There are five good ways to keep ourselves going with exercise and to make fitness regime a part of our lifestyle.

It is helpful and important for our heart and body.

Instead of hating exercise, get into routine and make it every day hobby and you will love to exercise every day.

  1. Fitness regime that suits you

To motivate yourself, find out the exercise that suits you. If you are a social person and likes to be in the midst of people, then group fitness class should suit you as it is fun. If you prefer to be alone, walking, treadmill, cycling, jogging would be a better fit for you. Connect with friends and siblings to share your goals, lifestyle and hobbies. Challenge yourself and make change for better.

  1. Make it a Habit

Anything that we try takes some time to become a habit. Give yourself the time and slowly get into routine. But be firm and exercise around same time each day. It becomes addiction to your body in a positive way.

  1. Let exercise be part of your lifestyle

Make exercise one of your routine in your lifestyle. If you prefer to exercise morning hours and it is convenient for you, do it morning itself. If not, evening hours also should be good as there won’t be rush. Find a suitable time for your good hobby and fit it into your lifestyle. Don’t disrupt your lifestyle and don’t invest too much money into fitness. Find out what it best for your lifestyle and your body and go with it. One can watch YouTube video, borrow videos from public library or practice yogaPilates at home.

  1. How much exercise?

Start with 10-15 mins of exercise and increase it slowly. A 30 minutes’ exercise every day is good for heart and muscle. Wherever it is possible walk, don’t sit for longtime and move around to completed those 10,000 steps (recommended)

  1. Get back to track:

Missing one day workout is okay – no body is perfect and sometimes schedule may upset. However, get back to your routine soon or next day. Don’t give a long gap for your fitness routine. If not, body becomes lethargic and laziness occupies mind.


Reference: www.werindia.com 

Image credit: Image by Wenisa Ng from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: April 1, 2018

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