Upward Plank Pose

Upward Plank Pose

To stretch abdomen, chest, feet, ankle and to strengthen arm, upper back, hamstring, glute, shoulder and wrists upward plank pose is helpful. It is an intermediate pose and helpful in obtaining a strong core. In addition it also helps to balance.

Upward plank pose is also a counter pose for several yoga poses like forward bending, seated forward fold, four limbed staff pose. It gives flexibility, stretches and strengthens entire body. It is also known as reverse plank, inclined plank or upward plane pose.

Yogis used to practice this pose facing eastward as the Sun rose and hence the  Sanskrit name  Purva (East), Ut (intense), Tan (to stretch), Asana (pose) -Healthylife

LEVEL: Intermediate

Anatomy: Arms, Back, Chest, Neck, Pelvis, Shoulders, Thighs

Pose Type: Backbend, Heart Opener

Sanskrit: Purvottanasana (PUR-voh-tun-AHS-anna) purvo = east uttana = intense stretch


  • Strengthens the arms, wrists, and legs
  • Stretches the chest, shoulders, and front of the ankles
  • Provides a counter pose for Chaturanga
  • Builds core strength and balance


  • Wrist injuries, such as a recent surgery
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Slipped discs and other spinal pathologies
  • Neck injuries


  1. Start in Dandasana (Staff pose) with your legs outstretched in front of you.
  2. Place your hands about six inches behind your hips, with fingertips pointing toward the toes, and press your palms firmly into the ground.
  3. Roll the thighs inward, and draw the abdominals in and up. On an inbreath, lift your pelvis as high as you can, keeping your chin tucked.
  4. Work toward straightening your legs and reaching your toes to the floor.
  5. Firm your shoulder blades against the back of your torso and lift your chest.
  6. If you have a regular practice, release your head back toward the floor. Be careful to not compress your neck.
  7. Stay here for five breaths. Return to Dandasana to release the pose.




  • If dropping your head back causes discomfort, keep it aligned with the spine.



  • Dhanurasana (Bow pose)
  • Reverse Table pose


  • Paschimottasana (Seated Forward Bend)
  • Balasana (Child’s pose)


  • Ground down through all four corners of your hands.
  • Reach through the heels, activating the leg muscles.
  • Keeping your chest open, roll the shoulders back and down your back.


  • Lower the hips down to the mat; then raise them up toward the ceiling.


  • Hips dropping
  • External rotation of the legs

This article and image published here with prior permission from https://beyogi.com

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: July 12, 2022

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